Zul'jin is the last boss in Zul'Aman
Zul'jin is split into 5 different phases. He changes phase at 80%/60%/40%/20%.
First Phase - 100% health
The 1st phase is his troll form as shown in the above picture. Do not stand in melee range of Zul'jin because he has a nasty whirlwind ability. Zul'jin also has an ability called Grievous Throw that hits a random player for about 5k damage, and leaves a bleed DoT on the player that ticks every 2 seconds for about 2.4k damage. Grievous Throw is non-dispellable, but will be removed when the player gets healed full.
Big heals on the person who gets hit with Grievous Throw! Zul'jin's melee is quite weak on the tank. It is the responsibility of the tank and the melee group to get out ASAP when Zul'jin does Whirlwind. Use your Nature's Swiftness to heal the person with Grievous Throw if you have to.
Typically, this fight is done with 3 healers. Depending on what your raid leader wants, generally 2 healers should be on the Grievous Throw victim, and 1 on main tank.
Put out a searing totem close to Zul'jin when he is getting close to 80% health. Aggro resets during phase change! Let the tank know where the searing totem is at and the tank will stand there during phase change (call it out on Ventrilo).
Second Phase - 80% health
Zul'jin becomes a bear. Zul'jin now deals massive damage during this phase. Only the tank will stand in front of Zul'jin while everyone else stands behind Zul'jin. All healers should heal the tank. Zul'jin will do a 6 second AoE debuff that if it does not get dispelled, it will deal huge damage and stuns the player who did not get dispelled. This is not your field so you can't do anything about the dispels. If your group does not have paladin or priest, might want to pass on this fight because it is extremely difficult to survive through the stuns. If the tank gets stunned, it is usually a wipe.
If dispels go well, just focus on healing the tank. Zul'jin's bear phase hits extremely hard!
Third Phase - 60% health
Zul'jin becomes an eagle. There are no aggro table here, and Zul'jin stays in the middle with no melee or spell abilities. Call out on vent to let other healers know where you will be standing during this phase. Good positions for healers would be the left, right, and top of the stairs.
Zul'jin spawns 4 cyclones onto the stage, and they randomly follow players. If the player gets hit, it deals around 1k damage and knocks the player back a bit. There is no duration on how long the cyclone will follow a player. They have a life of their own.
A debuff (aura) will be placed on every player during this phase. Each time you casts a spell, you will get struck by lightning for around 1.2-1.3k nature damage. This includes water shield! A good tip would be to casts big heals only, and only heal players who are below 50% health.
*note* - if you cast an instant spell as soon as you finished casting a spell (healing wave), such as replenishing your water shield, you won't get hit with the lightning twice.
Make sure to spread out, it is best that you stand on the edges. Don't run near the middle because the melee wants to do maximum DPS while trying to run away from cyclones. If you run in there, there is a chance that you will drag a cyclone into the melee group.
Fourth Phase - 40% health
Zul'jin becomes a lynx. Tell everyone to group up by the tank because it is the easiest way to heal through Zul'jin's insanely quick abilities. Zul'jin's lynx phase is all melee and he has no cleave ability so just group up on the tank.
Claw Rage - singles out a player and attacks him 12 times in 6 seconds. Does not matter if you are top or last on aggro because Zul'jin randomly targets a player to use Claw Rage on. First few hits are weak, but the damage stacks up because it leaves a debuff on you per hit so the last few hits deal massive damage. Zul'jin will pause a second in front of the person he will use Claw Rage on, so you should put earth shield and start healing waves on that player!
Lynx Rush - Zul'jin will attack 9 times and each time will hit a random player or the same player multiple times. No matter how much aggro you have, this ability chooses random targets. If everyone is standing by the tank, simply use chain heals to heal through this ability.
Fifth Phase - 20% health
Zul'jin becomes a dragonhawk. This is the hardest phase and careless mistakes will easily kill players. This is the phase when you use your cooldowns (Bloodlust). Use fire resistance totem! (The phase change takes a couple seconds so wait till tank can start building aggro before you use bloodlust.)
This phase has a soft enrage, and if your raid is in this phase too long, you all will get overwhelmed by the increased fire damage stacking debuff.
Zul'jin will do an AoE ability called Flame Whirl about every 15 seconds or so. It is raid-wide and cannot be outranged. First flame whirl deals minor fire damage, but puts a stacking non-dispellable debuff of 50% increase fire damage taken. The debuff stacks up to ten (500%), which becomes almost impossible to top everyone off.
The tank will have Zul'jin facing away from the raid so they won't get hit with Flame Breath.
The raid has to constantly be moving! Zul'jin casts Column of Fire that targets a player and hits that spot for a few seconds. If you stand in it for a full duration, you will most likely die especially when you have a few Flame Whirl debuff on you. Must keep moving!
Use searing totem/ fire elemental during this phase to help the dps. Every little bit of dps counts to kill Zul'jin before the raid wipes from too much fire debuff.
Spread Out!
Resto Shaman Vs. Hex Lord Malacrass (patch 2.4.3)
Hex Lord Malacrass is a very tough boss, and Hex Lord is the 5th boss in Zul'Aman.
Your healing gear choice for this fight should be like this: mp5> stamina> haste
You need all the mp5 you can get for this fight because it is extremely healing intensive. Stamina is very important in this fight because this boss has several AoE abilities, and his AoE abilities deal more damage as the fight progresses. Put away your haste set, and stack up on mp5 and stamina gear.
At the start of the fight, you will be facing against 4 mobs out of 8 possible (just like Moroes fight) alongside with Hex Lord Malacrass.
Thurg: He is an ogre with bloodlust ability and cleave. Don't stand close to him, and make sure you purge his bloodlust if no one else in group is dispelling it.
Gazagroth: He is a big purple imp who spams annoying fireballs at random players. He deals very little damage and dies quickly. You don't have to worry about him.
Lord Raaden: He is a red dragonkin. Stay away from him, and especially his frontal cone area. This dragon does flame breath (lol) and thunderclaps. As long as you are not near him, don't worry much about him.
Darkheart: He is an undead blue-colored ghost with AoE fear ability. TREMOR TOTEM!
Alyson Antille: This blood elf chick is very annoying. Earth shock her heals, and keep an eye on your buffs because she has a dispel ability. She is one of your biggest concerns.
Slither: It is a serpent. This snake does poisons (heh) so use poison cleansing totem. Nothing special.
Fenstalker: Elemental tree man. Keep an eye on his diseases so cleanse it.
Koragg: Undead that looks like a white worgen. He has an annoying curse, and if you have the curse, it would deal some frost damage to you when you use spells and abilities. Nothing you can really do about him since resto shamans cannot decurse.
Hex Lord Malacrass
1.)Spirit Bolts - Very nasty shadow damage spell that hits everyone in the raid every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds (20 bolts). This ability will show up on your boss mods so keep an eye on the incoming spirit bolt timer. There is a blue square in the room, and what I usually do is tell people on ventrilo to collapse into the blue square when there is about 5 seconds left before the Hex Lord casts spirit bolts.
It is crucial that you cast EARTH SHIELD on yourself before the boss starts casting spirit bolts.
Cast big chain heals, and you should target the person with the lowest health, and let the chain jump to other lowest health targets. If everyone's health is full right when the boss starts casting spirit bolts, you should start chain healing off the person with the lowest max health (for example, Mages).
Remember to earth shield yourself prior to the boss casting spirit bolts, and switch back to water shield when the boss is done.
The boss casts spirit bolts about every 40 seconds throughout the whole fight.
2.)Drain Power - Every minute Hex Lord Malacrass will receive a stackable buff that makes every raid member do 1% less damage and increases Hex Lord's damage by 10%. This gets very hectec after 5 minutes or so because the spirit bolts become insane to heal through.
People argue that Hex Lord Malacrass does not begin to use Drain Power until he is 80% or below in health. I can agree with that because I've never seen him use Drain Power until he is around 72-75% myself.
3.)Siphon Life - Right after Hex Lord finishes casting Spirit Bolts, he will randomly target a player with Siphon Life. He becomes the class of whoever Hex Lord casts Siphon Life on. For example, if you the resto shaman gets targetted with Siphon Life, Hex Lord becomes a Shaman. He will be a shaman until he casts Siphon Life on somebody else after his Spirit Bolts again. It is possible that he can casts it on you again. However, lets say there is 1 Paladin in group but the Paladin is dead, Hex Lord cannot target the dead player with Siphon Life to become a Paladin.
When Hex Lord is a:
Druid - Hex Lord uses Lifebloom (purge!), Moonfire, Thorns aura
Hex Lord's druid phase is quite weak. The only real problem is the thorns aura so the more melee is in your group, the more you'll have to heal. If you and other healers are low on mana, you should call out on vent to tell melee to back off until Hex Lord changes to a different class. Remember to purge Hex Lord's lifebloom. Moonfire is easy to heal through.
Hunter - Hex Lord uses Explosive Trap, Snake Trap, and Freezing Trap
Again, Hex Lord's hunter phase is also weak. Hope that your tank is great because the tank needs to kite Hex Lord away from traps. If for some reason the snake trap goes off, simply use magma totem to help out.
Mage - Hex Lord uses Fireball, Frostbolt, Frost Nova, Ice lance
This class is easy with interrupts. Help out the group by using Earth Shock whenever Hex Lord uses Fireball or Frostbolt. Use Frost Resistance Totem here helps out. Don't use Fire Resistance Totem because you want mana totems, and fireballs should be interrupted anyway.
Paladin - Hex Lord uses Consecrate, Avenging Wrath, Holy Light
This class is very difficult with careless tanks/melee. Make sure you purge Avenging Wrath because that increases the holy damage (consecrate) a lot! If you have Paladin tank, tell him not to use consecrate because Hex Lord's consecrate looks the same as your paladin, and it can be very confusing to your group. Yell at the tank if he is not kiting Hex Lord away from consecrate. Earth shock Hex Lord when he casts Holy Light. Don't rely on melee or anyone else to interrupt the heals. Take initiatives!
Priest - Hex Lord uses Flash Heal, Mind Control, Psychic Scream
This class is also a tough one. Make sure you use Tremor Totem and Earth Shock his heals. He has a few more abilities but these three are the ones you need to watch out for.
Rogue - Hex Lord uses Blind, Slice and Dice, Wound Poison
This class is easy. You cannot cleanse Blind, however, you can and should cleanse Wound Poison. Hex Lord will use Wound Poison very often so it might be best to use Poison Cleansing Totem during the rogue phase.
Shaman - Hex Lord uses Fire Nova Totem, Chain Lightning, Healing Wave, Earth Shock
This class is annoying. His earth shock works the same as yours. Hex Lord's chain lightning and healing wave are both interruptable. Strongly recommend you save earth shock for Hex Lord's healing wave. His fire nova totem has a wide range so make sure you run away if nobody in the raid is destroying it (which they should).
Warlock - Hex Lord uses Rain of Fire, Curse of Doom, Unstable Affliction
This is very difficult along side with the Paladin class. You have to move around a lot because of Rain of Fire. Strongly suggest your raid group spread out as much as possible. Don't stand in the fire!
Warrior - Hex Lord uses Mortal Strike, Spell Reflect, Whirlwind
This is healers' worst nightmare. You need big heals on the tank especially when your tank gets hit with mortal strike. Hex Lord's whirlwind hurts a lot and can easily 2 shot a melee. If a melee is slow in reaction or laggy computer, tell the melee person to step out during warrior phase.
Best times to use your bloodlust is when Hex Lord is a mage, rogue, or hunter. Why? Because the raid does not have to run away from any of these classes so max DPS is during these phases. Hunter class is simply kited at walking speed.
Resto Shaman's Raid Healing Consumables (patch 2.4.3)
Depending on what guild you are in, a great guild leader with the focus of progression will yell at you if you don't bring consumables.
What you need to bring to raid:
Use flask! When you are doing progression raids, expect several wipes over and over again. Flasks will last through death with 2 hours duration.
-Shattrath Flask of Mighty Restoration or Flask of Mighty Restoration: Either flask gives you 25 mp5.
Use weapon oil! If you are using dps weapon buffs while trying to progress as a healer, you need to quit the game lol.
-Superior Mana Oil: gives you 14 mp5.
-Brilliant Mana Oil: gives you 12 mp5 and 25 healing bonus. This is an old school pre-BC oil that I prefer to use. You lose 2 mp5 for not using Superior Mana Oil, but you get +25 healing bonus. The drawback is that this recipe is hard to get because you have to grind pre-BC reps, and if you are not an alchemist, the chances of finding people to make these are very slim.
-Superior Wizard Oil: the description on this says gives you 42 to spell damage, but it really gives you 42 to healing bonus too. If you think you have too much mp5, or you simply don't run out of mana, you might want to consider this oil.
Food Buffs! Don't be cheap, and use them.
-Blackened Sporefish: gives you 20 stamina and 8 mp5. In healing intensive fights, I use these to give me an mp5 boost and also more stamina to live through the nasty AoE from bosses.
-Golden Fish Sticks: gives you 44 healing bonus and 20 spirits. You can disregard the spirits but the 44 healing bonus is very nice. If you have an abundant of mp5, I would prefer these over the sporefish. Also these tastes better :).
I know some people prefer to use battle and guardian elixirs over flasks, such as Elixir of Major Mageblood and Elixir of Healing Power. My suggestion for you is to simply use the 25 mp5 flask along with Golden Fish Sticks and Superior Wizard Oil. In 2 hour period, it is possible to wipe 10+ times, and using elixirs can be extremely expensive.
What you need to bring to raid:
Use flask! When you are doing progression raids, expect several wipes over and over again. Flasks will last through death with 2 hours duration.
-Shattrath Flask of Mighty Restoration or Flask of Mighty Restoration: Either flask gives you 25 mp5.
Use weapon oil! If you are using dps weapon buffs while trying to progress as a healer, you need to quit the game lol.
-Superior Mana Oil: gives you 14 mp5.
-Brilliant Mana Oil: gives you 12 mp5 and 25 healing bonus. This is an old school pre-BC oil that I prefer to use. You lose 2 mp5 for not using Superior Mana Oil, but you get +25 healing bonus. The drawback is that this recipe is hard to get because you have to grind pre-BC reps, and if you are not an alchemist, the chances of finding people to make these are very slim.
-Superior Wizard Oil: the description on this says gives you 42 to spell damage, but it really gives you 42 to healing bonus too. If you think you have too much mp5, or you simply don't run out of mana, you might want to consider this oil.
Food Buffs! Don't be cheap, and use them.
-Blackened Sporefish: gives you 20 stamina and 8 mp5. In healing intensive fights, I use these to give me an mp5 boost and also more stamina to live through the nasty AoE from bosses.
-Golden Fish Sticks: gives you 44 healing bonus and 20 spirits. You can disregard the spirits but the 44 healing bonus is very nice. If you have an abundant of mp5, I would prefer these over the sporefish. Also these tastes better :).
I know some people prefer to use battle and guardian elixirs over flasks, such as Elixir of Major Mageblood and Elixir of Healing Power. My suggestion for you is to simply use the 25 mp5 flask along with Golden Fish Sticks and Superior Wizard Oil. In 2 hour period, it is possible to wipe 10+ times, and using elixirs can be extremely expensive.
Book of Highborne Hymns for Resto Shamans (patch 2.4.3)
Book of Highborne Hymns - This drops off the Eredar Twins in Sunwell Plateau. Yes, this is an off-hand frill, which some of you will say that resto shamans should only use shields. Keep in mind that shields will only help you in melee damage. Most raid bosses will only deal spell damage to you while the tanks are the ones who soak up melee hits.
Situations like Bloodboil from Black Temple, Gruul from Gruul's Lair (all melee damage), and Zul'jin's 4th phase, the shield would help you mitigate melee damage that you can't run away from. I'm not telling you to stop using shields if you get this book, but keep a shield in your bag.
There are no shields that have spell haste, and this book is the only healing off-hand with spell haste. Not only does it have spell haste, it also has 9 mp5, a lot of stamina, intellect.
As a resto shaman, roll on this (or spend DKP) even though some raiders might question you. Experienced raiders will know this is the best-in-slot for resto shamans.
Resto Shaman - Gear you should look out for in Kara (patch 2.4.3)
Gearing up your resto shaman to prepare for Kara? See below:
Whirlwind Bracers (wrist) - I see these drop quite often from Attumen, first boss of Karazhan.
Belt of Gale Force (waist) - Drops off Moroes, second boss.
Gloves of Centering (hands) - Do not underestimate these gloves. These are better than the T4 token gloves unless you need the T4 gloves for 2 piece set bonus. Drops off Maiden of Virtue, third boss.
Totem of Healing Rains (totem) - The ultimate best in slot totem for resto shamans. Also drops off Maiden of Virtue.
Shard of the Virtuous (weapon) - Very nice healing mace that comes with good amount of stamina, intellect, healing bonuses, and mp5. Another thing that drops off Maiden of Virtue.
Ribbon of Sacrifice (trinket) - Not a big fan of this trinket's use ability, but if it's better than what you have, take it. This is dropped from any of the opera events, 4th boss.
Red Riding Hood's Cloak (back) - Fairly decent cloak. Only drops off The Big Bad Wolf in the opera event.
Emberspur Talisman (neck) - Nice neck piece, but if you have the neck from the Shattered Sun Offensive quartermaster, stick to that one. This drops off the optional boss Nightbane.
Gloves of the Fallen Champion (t4 token) - This is the token to redeem Cyclone Gloves (hands). If you have the Gloves of Centering from Maiden of Virtue, and if you don't have a second piece of T4 to get the 2 piece T4 set bonuses, stick with the Gloves of Centering. The gloves token drops from Curator, fifth boss.
Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards (shoulders) - also drops off Curator.
Earthblood Chestguard (chest) - drops off Netherspite, optional boss.
Heart-Flame Leggings (legs) - Very nice leggings with 3 sockets. Drops off the Chess Event.
Triptych Shield of the Ancients (shield) - This shield has stamina, intellect, decent healing bonus, and mp5. Also drops off the Chess Event.
Helm of the Fallen Champion (t4 token) - Redeem this token for Cyclone Headdress (helm). This helm will lasts you for a while. This healing helm is better than "better" helms later on that doesn't have meta sockets. Socket the meta gem slot with an Insightful Earthstorm Diamond (+12 intellect and chance to restore 300 mana when casting spells), and then you will be a much more efficient healer. This token drops off the last boss in Karazhan, Prince Malchezaar.
Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted (back) - Very nice healing cloak that comes with stamina, intellect, great healing bonus, and mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Jade Ring of the Everliving (ring) - Even though this ring has no stamina or intellect, it has very high healing bonus and good amount of mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Light's Justice (weapon) - higher healing bonus than the mace from Maiden of Virtue, but with no mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Whirlwind Bracers (wrist) - I see these drop quite often from Attumen, first boss of Karazhan.
Belt of Gale Force (waist) - Drops off Moroes, second boss.
Gloves of Centering (hands) - Do not underestimate these gloves. These are better than the T4 token gloves unless you need the T4 gloves for 2 piece set bonus. Drops off Maiden of Virtue, third boss.
Totem of Healing Rains (totem) - The ultimate best in slot totem for resto shamans. Also drops off Maiden of Virtue.
Shard of the Virtuous (weapon) - Very nice healing mace that comes with good amount of stamina, intellect, healing bonuses, and mp5. Another thing that drops off Maiden of Virtue.
Ribbon of Sacrifice (trinket) - Not a big fan of this trinket's use ability, but if it's better than what you have, take it. This is dropped from any of the opera events, 4th boss.
Red Riding Hood's Cloak (back) - Fairly decent cloak. Only drops off The Big Bad Wolf in the opera event.
Emberspur Talisman (neck) - Nice neck piece, but if you have the neck from the Shattered Sun Offensive quartermaster, stick to that one. This drops off the optional boss Nightbane.
Gloves of the Fallen Champion (t4 token) - This is the token to redeem Cyclone Gloves (hands). If you have the Gloves of Centering from Maiden of Virtue, and if you don't have a second piece of T4 to get the 2 piece T4 set bonuses, stick with the Gloves of Centering. The gloves token drops from Curator, fifth boss.
Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards (shoulders) - also drops off Curator.
Earthblood Chestguard (chest) - drops off Netherspite, optional boss.
Heart-Flame Leggings (legs) - Very nice leggings with 3 sockets. Drops off the Chess Event.
Triptych Shield of the Ancients (shield) - This shield has stamina, intellect, decent healing bonus, and mp5. Also drops off the Chess Event.
Helm of the Fallen Champion (t4 token) - Redeem this token for Cyclone Headdress (helm). This helm will lasts you for a while. This healing helm is better than "better" helms later on that doesn't have meta sockets. Socket the meta gem slot with an Insightful Earthstorm Diamond (+12 intellect and chance to restore 300 mana when casting spells), and then you will be a much more efficient healer. This token drops off the last boss in Karazhan, Prince Malchezaar.
Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted (back) - Very nice healing cloak that comes with stamina, intellect, great healing bonus, and mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Jade Ring of the Everliving (ring) - Even though this ring has no stamina or intellect, it has very high healing bonus and good amount of mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Light's Justice (weapon) - higher healing bonus than the mace from Maiden of Virtue, but with no mp5. Prince Malchezaar's drop.
Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer (patch 2.4.3)
This ring is terrible for resto shamans. Resto shamans do not get along with spirits because we get no benefit from spirits while casting. This is a great ring for priests and resto druids as they will regain more mana while casting with more spirits.
If you are in T4 contents (Kara, Mags, Gruuls), go for the following rings:
Anveena's Touch - 60 Badge of Justice - this ring will lasts you all the way till Sunwell, and can easily be attained by farming badges.
Jade Ring of the Everliving - Prince Malchezaar, last boss of Karazhan, drops this ring.
Naaru Lightwarden's Band - reward for turning in Magtheridon's head to Thrallmar after defeating Magtheridon in Magtheridon's Lair.
If you are in T4 contents (Kara, Mags, Gruuls), go for the following rings:
Anveena's Touch - 60 Badge of Justice - this ring will lasts you all the way till Sunwell, and can easily be attained by farming badges.
Jade Ring of the Everliving - Prince Malchezaar, last boss of Karazhan, drops this ring.
Naaru Lightwarden's Band - reward for turning in Magtheridon's head to Thrallmar after defeating Magtheridon in Magtheridon's Lair.
Intellect increases healing bonus (patch 2.4.3)
I can't find an article anywhere that says intellect increases your healing bonus so I decided to write it here.
When I get an intellect buff (+40 Intellect) it gives me +12 to healing bonus. When I use Scroll of Intellect V (+20 Intellect) and a low rank Mark of the Wild (+6 to all attributes) = +26 Intellect gave me +7 to healing bonus.
It seems like 3.33 intellect gives you 1 healing bonus. If you do 3.33 (intellect) times 12 (healing bonus) that gives you 39.96 which is close to 40 intellect, and if you do 3.33 times 7 that gives you 23.31, which is why 26 intellect will give you 7 healing bonus. +27 Intellect would give you +8 healing bonus, and so on.
This might not be true to all healing classes, but this is what I'm finding for resto shamans.
When I get an intellect buff (+40 Intellect) it gives me +12 to healing bonus. When I use Scroll of Intellect V (+20 Intellect) and a low rank Mark of the Wild (+6 to all attributes) = +26 Intellect gave me +7 to healing bonus.
It seems like 3.33 intellect gives you 1 healing bonus. If you do 3.33 (intellect) times 12 (healing bonus) that gives you 39.96 which is close to 40 intellect, and if you do 3.33 times 7 that gives you 23.31, which is why 26 intellect will give you 7 healing bonus. +27 Intellect would give you +8 healing bonus, and so on.
This might not be true to all healing classes, but this is what I'm finding for resto shamans.
Resto Shaman Vs. Illidan Stormrage (patch 2.4.3)
Last boss in Black Temple
This fight has 5 phases
Phase 1
Pay attention to a debuff called Parasitic Shadowfiend. Your raid will and should have a designated area to deal with anyone who has Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. Parasitic Shadowfiend is a debuff that deals 3k shadow damage per 2 seconds for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, two parasitic shadowfiends will spawn out of the person, and will go after anyone who has the highest global threat, which is usually you or other healers nearby. If the shadowfiends attack anyone, that person will receive the Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff and repeats everything mentioned above. Generally, these fiends will be dealt with by AoE and slow traps, but if any reason they are not dealt with and are following you, quickly put down an earthbind totem and frost shock one, and run away while others help you kill them.
Phase 2
Phase 2 starts when Illidan is at 65%. All healers/range dps will all stand inside the center where the metal crates are. My guild forms 3 groups inside the center circle, and everyone in each group stands on top of each other. Illidan will constantly cast fireballs into the group that has a 10 yard radius so that is why my guild forms 3 groups instead of having one giant group of people grouped up together. Assuming you are a raid healer (which you should be), your #1 task here is to chain heal everyone who is taking hits from the fireballs. Some strategy guides tell you not to use totems during this phase because of bugs, but I haven't experienced any bugs so most likely it has been patched. Fire totems are useless during this phase.
Save your nature swiftness until you see Illidan casts Dark Barrage on somebody. Dark Barrage deals 3000 shadow damage per second for 10 seconds. Nature Swiftness + Healing Wave = Win!
Make sure your group isn't too close to the outer edge of the metal crates because Illidan has a nasty eye-beam that will one shot you. The closer your group is to the center of the circle the better, while making sure each groups are about 10 yards away so you don't get AoE from the fireball that's hitting another group. This phase ends as soon as the two huge fire elementals are eliminated.
Phase 3
Same as phase 1 except that he now also casts Agonizing Flames. Make sure to spread out. Agonizing Flames is a debuff that deals 4000 fire damage on initial cast, and then it ticks every 5 seconds that deals 3000 fire damage and increases slightly overtime per tick. If anyone is within 5 yards from you, that person will also receive a fresh Agonizing Flames debuff. The debuff is not dispellable, and it lasts for one minute.
Also, remember to watch out for Parasitic Shadowfiends. You can get the Parasitic Shadowfiends debuff even if Agonizing Flames is on you.
Phase 3 lasts 60 seconds.
Phase 4
Phase 4 lasts 30 seconds after he does his transformation. There is plenty of time between Phase 3 and Phase 4 transition, and this is the time to run far back against the walls opposite side of Illidan. Becareful of aggro here until the warlock tank in your raid holds aggro on Illidan during this stage because its an aggro wipe. A good warlock tank would have plenty of DoTs on the boss before Illidan even starts to do anything.
Illidan will randomly paralyze four players (including the warlock tank) with purple beams, and four shadow demons will slowly creep up towards that player. If the shadow demons reach any of the four players, that person will die instantly so this is very important that you run far away from Illidan during the phase change from 3 to 4. Players who are not chosen to be paralyzed will have to help kill the shadow demons before they reach their targets. If everyone's health around your area seems to be topped off, you can help others kill the shadow demons (shocks and lightning).
Illidan also casts Flame Burst during phase 4 every 10 seconds to everyone. It deals about 3500 fire damage, and you will take more damage if someone is within 5 yards from you so spread out! Flame Burst looks like fireworks shooting everywhere.
Agonizing Flames from phase 3 can be carried into phase 4.
After 30 seconds, Illidan goes back to phase 3.
Illidan alternates between phase 3 and phase 4 until he reaches 30% health. Remember to spread out!
Phase 5
At the start of phase 5, every player gets locked up by Shadow Prison for 30 seconds.
It is phase 3 and 4 all over again except that Illidan will enrage. Before he gets to 30%, it is best that the raid stops all DPS around 32-33% if he is still in phase 4 demon form. Starting phase 5 while Illidan is in phase 4 demon form can be very difficult and messy. Blow all your cooldowns here in phase 5. Spread out!
Things to remember:
Phase 1: There should be a designated area for people who have Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. Pay attention to who has it because the debuff deals DoT, and pay attention to that person's location so you know you are not too close when shadowfiends spawn on the ground. If shadowfiends are coming close to you, quickly use earthbind totem and run away. Healing during this phase is easy.
Phase 2: Stand on top of your designated group to the point when you don't really know which character is you. Save your Nature's Swiftness for someone who receives the Dark Barrage debuff. You can use Bloodlust here because by the time it is phase 5, you will be able to use it again. There is a lot of chain healing to do here.
Phase 3: SPREAD OUT. Remember the designated area for people who have Parasitic Shadowfiend. Anyone who is within 5 yards from anyone who has the Agonizing Flames debuff will receive a fresh debuff on that other person too. Agaonizing Flames can be carried into phase 4. Need lots of heals on the person with the debuff, but doesn't hurt as fast as the Dark Barrage debuff in phase 2.
Between Phase 3 and 4: You will see Illidan kneel on the ground. Run far away from Illidan. Pay attention to who has the Agonizing Flames debuff so don't run into them.
Phase 4: SPREAD OUT. People are so spread out here that most of the heals are single target heals. Illidan will casts Flame Bursts every 10 seconds. While waiting for Illidan to paralyze 4 random players, good players who are doing nothing while waiting would bandage themselves at this time. If you are not paralyzed, and if the players around you are in good health, you might want to help out the dps on the Shadow Demons.
Phase 5: SPREAD OUT. Blow your cooldowns. Win.
Note: Your mana shouldn't be a problem here. Your water shield orbs are constantly used from AoEs and debuffs that you get so much mana back. You can use fire resistance totems from phase 2 and on instead of mana spring.
This fight has 5 phases
Phase 1
Pay attention to a debuff called Parasitic Shadowfiend. Your raid will and should have a designated area to deal with anyone who has Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. Parasitic Shadowfiend is a debuff that deals 3k shadow damage per 2 seconds for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, two parasitic shadowfiends will spawn out of the person, and will go after anyone who has the highest global threat, which is usually you or other healers nearby. If the shadowfiends attack anyone, that person will receive the Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff and repeats everything mentioned above. Generally, these fiends will be dealt with by AoE and slow traps, but if any reason they are not dealt with and are following you, quickly put down an earthbind totem and frost shock one, and run away while others help you kill them.
Phase 2
Phase 2 starts when Illidan is at 65%. All healers/range dps will all stand inside the center where the metal crates are. My guild forms 3 groups inside the center circle, and everyone in each group stands on top of each other. Illidan will constantly cast fireballs into the group that has a 10 yard radius so that is why my guild forms 3 groups instead of having one giant group of people grouped up together. Assuming you are a raid healer (which you should be), your #1 task here is to chain heal everyone who is taking hits from the fireballs. Some strategy guides tell you not to use totems during this phase because of bugs, but I haven't experienced any bugs so most likely it has been patched. Fire totems are useless during this phase.
Save your nature swiftness until you see Illidan casts Dark Barrage on somebody. Dark Barrage deals 3000 shadow damage per second for 10 seconds. Nature Swiftness + Healing Wave = Win!
Make sure your group isn't too close to the outer edge of the metal crates because Illidan has a nasty eye-beam that will one shot you. The closer your group is to the center of the circle the better, while making sure each groups are about 10 yards away so you don't get AoE from the fireball that's hitting another group. This phase ends as soon as the two huge fire elementals are eliminated.
Phase 3
Same as phase 1 except that he now also casts Agonizing Flames. Make sure to spread out. Agonizing Flames is a debuff that deals 4000 fire damage on initial cast, and then it ticks every 5 seconds that deals 3000 fire damage and increases slightly overtime per tick. If anyone is within 5 yards from you, that person will also receive a fresh Agonizing Flames debuff. The debuff is not dispellable, and it lasts for one minute.
Also, remember to watch out for Parasitic Shadowfiends. You can get the Parasitic Shadowfiends debuff even if Agonizing Flames is on you.
Phase 3 lasts 60 seconds.
Phase 4
Phase 4 lasts 30 seconds after he does his transformation. There is plenty of time between Phase 3 and Phase 4 transition, and this is the time to run far back against the walls opposite side of Illidan. Becareful of aggro here until the warlock tank in your raid holds aggro on Illidan during this stage because its an aggro wipe. A good warlock tank would have plenty of DoTs on the boss before Illidan even starts to do anything.
Illidan will randomly paralyze four players (including the warlock tank) with purple beams, and four shadow demons will slowly creep up towards that player. If the shadow demons reach any of the four players, that person will die instantly so this is very important that you run far away from Illidan during the phase change from 3 to 4. Players who are not chosen to be paralyzed will have to help kill the shadow demons before they reach their targets. If everyone's health around your area seems to be topped off, you can help others kill the shadow demons (shocks and lightning).
Illidan also casts Flame Burst during phase 4 every 10 seconds to everyone. It deals about 3500 fire damage, and you will take more damage if someone is within 5 yards from you so spread out! Flame Burst looks like fireworks shooting everywhere.
Agonizing Flames from phase 3 can be carried into phase 4.
After 30 seconds, Illidan goes back to phase 3.
Illidan alternates between phase 3 and phase 4 until he reaches 30% health. Remember to spread out!
Phase 5
At the start of phase 5, every player gets locked up by Shadow Prison for 30 seconds.
It is phase 3 and 4 all over again except that Illidan will enrage. Before he gets to 30%, it is best that the raid stops all DPS around 32-33% if he is still in phase 4 demon form. Starting phase 5 while Illidan is in phase 4 demon form can be very difficult and messy. Blow all your cooldowns here in phase 5. Spread out!
Things to remember:
Phase 1: There should be a designated area for people who have Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. Pay attention to who has it because the debuff deals DoT, and pay attention to that person's location so you know you are not too close when shadowfiends spawn on the ground. If shadowfiends are coming close to you, quickly use earthbind totem and run away. Healing during this phase is easy.
Phase 2: Stand on top of your designated group to the point when you don't really know which character is you. Save your Nature's Swiftness for someone who receives the Dark Barrage debuff. You can use Bloodlust here because by the time it is phase 5, you will be able to use it again. There is a lot of chain healing to do here.
Phase 3: SPREAD OUT. Remember the designated area for people who have Parasitic Shadowfiend. Anyone who is within 5 yards from anyone who has the Agonizing Flames debuff will receive a fresh debuff on that other person too. Agaonizing Flames can be carried into phase 4. Need lots of heals on the person with the debuff, but doesn't hurt as fast as the Dark Barrage debuff in phase 2.
Between Phase 3 and 4: You will see Illidan kneel on the ground. Run far away from Illidan. Pay attention to who has the Agonizing Flames debuff so don't run into them.
Phase 4: SPREAD OUT. People are so spread out here that most of the heals are single target heals. Illidan will casts Flame Bursts every 10 seconds. While waiting for Illidan to paralyze 4 random players, good players who are doing nothing while waiting would bandage themselves at this time. If you are not paralyzed, and if the players around you are in good health, you might want to help out the dps on the Shadow Demons.
Phase 5: SPREAD OUT. Blow your cooldowns. Win.
Note: Your mana shouldn't be a problem here. Your water shield orbs are constantly used from AoEs and debuffs that you get so much mana back. You can use fire resistance totems from phase 2 and on instead of mana spring.
Resto Shaman Vs. Kalecgos (patch 2.4.3)
1st Boss in Sunwell
There are two realms to this fight which will be discussed later on. There is the Dragon Realm and the Demon Realm. When you first walk in to fight Kalecgos, you are in the Dragon Realm.
Dragon Realm
Kalecgos' Abilities:
Arcane Buffet - Everyone in the Dragon Realm will get hit by this debuff periodically, and it will stack indefinitely as long as you are in the Dragon Realm. The debuff will hit you for about 500 arcane damage, but will increase about 500 arcane damage per stack. The only way to remove this debuff as a resto shaman is to go in the portal to Demon Realm which will be discussed in the next boss' ability. You can wear some arcane resistance gear, but as a healer, you can heal yourself through it so you don't gimp your healing bonus.
Spectral Blast - About every half a minute, Kalecgos will cast this ability on a random player except the main tank and players with Spectral Exhaustion debuff (will explain later). The person that gets targeted will get teleported to the Demon Realm, and a portal will open up right where the person just got teleported at so others can go inside the demon realm too (only go in the demon realm according to your guild's strategy and orders that will be discussed later on). If players were within 8 yards of the person getting teleported, they will get a knockback that deals about 6k arcane damage (arcane buffet debuff increases this damage!). So the number one rule in the Dragon Realm is to SPREAD OUT.
Frost Breath - The tank will take care of this by having Kalecgos facing away from the raid. You should not stand near or in front of the tank.
Tail Lash - Never stand behind a dragon...
Wild Magic - Gives a random debuff to a random player (including tank) in the dragon realm. Does not seem like Kalecgos has a set time for casting Wild Magic. The debuff can be good or bad. Just remember the purple dragonscale icon is a debuff that increases your casting time by 100% and the black dragonscale icon is a debuff that increases your threat generated by 100%. The other colors are either beneficial or is irrelevant to healing. Since it is hard to remember everything, just remember the black and the purple dragonscale icon debuffs are bad!
Demon Realm
The guild I'm in makes every non-tanks in the Demon Realm stack up behind Sathrovarr, the boss inside the Demon Realm. Use a strategy according to your guild, but the positions my guild uses work just fine and successful.
Very intensive chain healing here, and make sure the tank has earth shield on. Use drums of battle if you are a leatherworker, and use your bloodlust too.
Remember to place your totems here too.
You are in the Demon Realm for one minute.
As soon as you leave the Demon Realm, you will receive a debuff called Spectral Exhaustion that prevents you from going inside the Demon Realm for one minute.
*note* - Both Kalecgos and Sathrovarr will enrage when Sathrovarr is at 10% health. Just be aware that healing becomes even more intensive at that point.
When To Go Inside Demon Phase
This varies according to what your raid leader wants to do. Generally, you as a healer will be grouped up with a person who can decurse, a tank, another healer, and 2-3 dps. I'm not talking about group as like a party group; I am talking about a group that is assigned to go inside the portal to the demon phase when someone in that assigned group gets hit with the Spectral Blast. You generally will stand near a decurser that is assigned to your portal group, but not too close because of the 8 yards Spectral Blast AoE.
The raid leader will call which group to go inside the portal. Generally, the decursers are marked with a mark (ex. Diamond, Triangle, X, etc.). So if you are in the Diamond group, and someone in the diamond group gets hit with the Spectral Blast, you go in the portal with the diamond group. This is just a general idea, but like I said before, do this according to your guild's strategy. A messed up rotation of who or when to go in the portal can easily cause a wipe. I believe the portal is bugged as it is very hard to click sometimes. You might have to move or move a bit closer and rapidly click the portal till you can go inside. I think the portal will be up for about 15-20 seconds before it vanishes.
Things to remember:
-Don't stand within 8 yards of anyone during the Dragon Phase
-If you get a black dragonscale icon debuff, slow down your heals because your threat is increased by 100%
-If you get a purple dragonscale icon debuff, you might want to spam lesser healing wave because your casting speed is increased by 100%
-Keep your water shield up and refreshed often because the orbs are often used due to arcane buffet.
-Don't stand in front of the dragon or right behind the dragon.
-For whatever reason that your arcane buffet debuff is up to about 10, you are at risk of getting two-shotted. Use healthstones and major arcane protection potions if you have it.
-Stand near a decurser that is assigned to your portal group, but not too close to get AoE by Spectral Blast in the Dragon Realm.
-In the Demon Realm, blow your cooldowns, and earth shield the tank. Your standing position varies according to your raid leader, but whatever it is, don't stand in front of the boss. Very intensive heals here!
-Remember to place your totems in Dragon Realm and Demon Realm
-The portal is kind of buggy and hard to go inside. Rapidly click the portal and move around till you get inside the portal.
There are two realms to this fight which will be discussed later on. There is the Dragon Realm and the Demon Realm. When you first walk in to fight Kalecgos, you are in the Dragon Realm.
Dragon Realm
Kalecgos' Abilities:
Arcane Buffet - Everyone in the Dragon Realm will get hit by this debuff periodically, and it will stack indefinitely as long as you are in the Dragon Realm. The debuff will hit you for about 500 arcane damage, but will increase about 500 arcane damage per stack. The only way to remove this debuff as a resto shaman is to go in the portal to Demon Realm which will be discussed in the next boss' ability. You can wear some arcane resistance gear, but as a healer, you can heal yourself through it so you don't gimp your healing bonus.
Spectral Blast - About every half a minute, Kalecgos will cast this ability on a random player except the main tank and players with Spectral Exhaustion debuff (will explain later). The person that gets targeted will get teleported to the Demon Realm, and a portal will open up right where the person just got teleported at so others can go inside the demon realm too (only go in the demon realm according to your guild's strategy and orders that will be discussed later on). If players were within 8 yards of the person getting teleported, they will get a knockback that deals about 6k arcane damage (arcane buffet debuff increases this damage!). So the number one rule in the Dragon Realm is to SPREAD OUT.
Frost Breath - The tank will take care of this by having Kalecgos facing away from the raid. You should not stand near or in front of the tank.
Tail Lash - Never stand behind a dragon...
Wild Magic - Gives a random debuff to a random player (including tank) in the dragon realm. Does not seem like Kalecgos has a set time for casting Wild Magic. The debuff can be good or bad. Just remember the purple dragonscale icon is a debuff that increases your casting time by 100% and the black dragonscale icon is a debuff that increases your threat generated by 100%. The other colors are either beneficial or is irrelevant to healing. Since it is hard to remember everything, just remember the black and the purple dragonscale icon debuffs are bad!
Demon Realm
The guild I'm in makes every non-tanks in the Demon Realm stack up behind Sathrovarr, the boss inside the Demon Realm. Use a strategy according to your guild, but the positions my guild uses work just fine and successful.
Very intensive chain healing here, and make sure the tank has earth shield on. Use drums of battle if you are a leatherworker, and use your bloodlust too.
Remember to place your totems here too.
You are in the Demon Realm for one minute.
As soon as you leave the Demon Realm, you will receive a debuff called Spectral Exhaustion that prevents you from going inside the Demon Realm for one minute.
*note* - Both Kalecgos and Sathrovarr will enrage when Sathrovarr is at 10% health. Just be aware that healing becomes even more intensive at that point.
When To Go Inside Demon Phase
This varies according to what your raid leader wants to do. Generally, you as a healer will be grouped up with a person who can decurse, a tank, another healer, and 2-3 dps. I'm not talking about group as like a party group; I am talking about a group that is assigned to go inside the portal to the demon phase when someone in that assigned group gets hit with the Spectral Blast. You generally will stand near a decurser that is assigned to your portal group, but not too close because of the 8 yards Spectral Blast AoE.
The raid leader will call which group to go inside the portal. Generally, the decursers are marked with a mark (ex. Diamond, Triangle, X, etc.). So if you are in the Diamond group, and someone in the diamond group gets hit with the Spectral Blast, you go in the portal with the diamond group. This is just a general idea, but like I said before, do this according to your guild's strategy. A messed up rotation of who or when to go in the portal can easily cause a wipe. I believe the portal is bugged as it is very hard to click sometimes. You might have to move or move a bit closer and rapidly click the portal till you can go inside. I think the portal will be up for about 15-20 seconds before it vanishes.
Things to remember:
-Don't stand within 8 yards of anyone during the Dragon Phase
-If you get a black dragonscale icon debuff, slow down your heals because your threat is increased by 100%
-If you get a purple dragonscale icon debuff, you might want to spam lesser healing wave because your casting speed is increased by 100%
-Keep your water shield up and refreshed often because the orbs are often used due to arcane buffet.
-Don't stand in front of the dragon or right behind the dragon.
-For whatever reason that your arcane buffet debuff is up to about 10, you are at risk of getting two-shotted. Use healthstones and major arcane protection potions if you have it.
-Stand near a decurser that is assigned to your portal group, but not too close to get AoE by Spectral Blast in the Dragon Realm.
-In the Demon Realm, blow your cooldowns, and earth shield the tank. Your standing position varies according to your raid leader, but whatever it is, don't stand in front of the boss. Very intensive heals here!
-Remember to place your totems in Dragon Realm and Demon Realm
-The portal is kind of buggy and hard to go inside. Rapidly click the portal and move around till you get inside the portal.
Gem Choices for Resto Shaman(patch 2.4.3)
These are the only gems you should use:
Red Sockets - Teardrop Crimson Spinel: +22 Healing and +8 Spell Damage
Blue Sockets - Royal Shadowsong Amethyst or Royal Tanzanite: They are both +11 Healing +4 Spell Damage and 2 mana per 5 seconds
Yellow Sockets - Luminous Pyrestone: +11 Healing +4 Spell Damage and +5 Intellect // If you are in Hyjal, Black Temple, or even Sunwell, you should socket Quick Lionseye: +10 Spell Haste Rating
If you care about your guild's progression, it is strongly recommended that all your gems should be epic quality even if the gear you are gemming is about to be replaced by something better soon.
Red Sockets - Teardrop Crimson Spinel: +22 Healing and +8 Spell Damage
Blue Sockets - Royal Shadowsong Amethyst or Royal Tanzanite: They are both +11 Healing +4 Spell Damage and 2 mana per 5 seconds
Yellow Sockets - Luminous Pyrestone: +11 Healing +4 Spell Damage and +5 Intellect // If you are in Hyjal, Black Temple, or even Sunwell, you should socket Quick Lionseye: +10 Spell Haste Rating
If you care about your guild's progression, it is strongly recommended that all your gems should be epic quality even if the gear you are gemming is about to be replaced by something better soon.
Tome of Diabolic Remedy Trinket (patch 2.4.3)
Tome of Diabolic Remedy - If you are not an alchemist, or if you don't have access to Illidan, then this is the best healing trinket for you. It has a passive 18 mp5, and when big heals are needed, you can always use the trinket's ability to give yourself an extra 396 healing bonus for 20 seconds (2 minute cooldown).
This trinket drops off Hexlord from Zul'Aman, and you can do ZA twice a week.
This trinket drops off Hexlord from Zul'Aman, and you can do ZA twice a week.
Resto Shaman Professions - Alchemist and Leatherworking (patch 2.4.3)
Resto Shamans two best profesions are alchemy and leatherworking. Why Alchemist? Because of the Redeemer's Alchemist Stone. 40% extra mana from potions is a lot! This doesn't just work on mana potions or healing potions because it also works for other potions such as Mad Alchemist's potion, Rejuv potion, and Dreamless Sleep potions too.
Lets use Super Mana Potion for an example. Without the alchemist stone, the super mana potion by itself gives 1800 to 3000 mana back with 2400 being the average. If you do 2400 times 1.40 (40% extra mana from the stone), that gives you 3360 mana back per super mana potion on average. The difference between not having the stone and having the stone is 960 mana on average.
Now, we can calculate the mp5 with the extra 960 mana. We can only drink one potion per every 2 minutes, or 120 seconds. We can do 120 divided by 5 (mp5) and that gives you 24. Finally, you do 960 divided by 24 and that gives you 40. You get 40 mp5 on average with this Redeemer's Alchemist Stone. This is why I love being an alchemist.
Second best profession is leatherworking. Your raid and particularly your group, will love you for using Drums of Battle. Very crucial to have leatherworking, especially when your guild is in Sunwell. Also, Sunwell trash mobs drop Pattern: Sun-Drenched Scale Chestguard, which is the best chest you can get in the game as of Burning Crusade expansion. 40% spell haste, 3 red sockets, high healing bonus, what more can you ask for?
Some of you might think it is crazy to have two non-gathering professions. There are many ways to make gold without a gathering profession, such as dailies. If you are serious about raiding on your main character, you need two non-gather professions.
Lets use Super Mana Potion for an example. Without the alchemist stone, the super mana potion by itself gives 1800 to 3000 mana back with 2400 being the average. If you do 2400 times 1.40 (40% extra mana from the stone), that gives you 3360 mana back per super mana potion on average. The difference between not having the stone and having the stone is 960 mana on average.
Now, we can calculate the mp5 with the extra 960 mana. We can only drink one potion per every 2 minutes, or 120 seconds. We can do 120 divided by 5 (mp5) and that gives you 24. Finally, you do 960 divided by 24 and that gives you 40. You get 40 mp5 on average with this Redeemer's Alchemist Stone. This is why I love being an alchemist.
Second best profession is leatherworking. Your raid and particularly your group, will love you for using Drums of Battle. Very crucial to have leatherworking, especially when your guild is in Sunwell. Also, Sunwell trash mobs drop Pattern: Sun-Drenched Scale Chestguard, which is the best chest you can get in the game as of Burning Crusade expansion. 40% spell haste, 3 red sockets, high healing bonus, what more can you ask for?
Some of you might think it is crazy to have two non-gathering professions. There are many ways to make gold without a gathering profession, such as dailies. If you are serious about raiding on your main character, you need two non-gather professions.
Shade of Aran (patch 2.4.3)
Do not stand close to Aran (about 10 yards) because he will casts counterspell frequently, which stops you from casting any spells for about 8 seconds. 8 seconds of not healing isn't exactly great.
Use earth shock rank 1 here to help interrupt the boss' spellcasts. He will use fireball, frostbolt, and arcane missiles frequently throughout the entire fight. Most important ones to interrupt are fireball and frostbolt. Your raid needs to do the best they can to keep the boss' mana up by interrupting because when he goes low on mana, he will polymorph the entire raid to drink, and then he will casts pyroblast on the raid which is very painful.
None of his spells can be absorbed by grounding totem!
When the boss casts Flame Wreathe, DON'T MOVE! You will see rings of fire around couple players, and even if you don't have a ring of fire around you, just don't move to make things easier. People tend to panic when they see people move during a Flame Wreathe.
When the boss casts Blizzard, he will casts it on the outer ring of the room. It looks just like the blizzard that any mages casts, except that it spins around the outer ring of the room. You can't outrun it if you just run along the outer ring of the room so you'll eventually have to cut across the other side. Aran will also casts Chain of Ice during the blizzard on a random player, which prevents you from moving, but it is magic dispellable.
When the boss pulls everyone to the middle of the room, he will begin to casts Arcane Explosion that takes him 10 seconds to casts. As soon as you get pulled into the center of the room, make sure you run towards the walls where the bookshelves are because there is no time to waste as he will casts Slow on you. As long as you run as soon as you see that you are pulled to the middle of the room, you have enough time to avoid the arcane explosion. The arcane explosion deals about 10k damage.
When Aran is down to 40% health, he will summon 4 water elementals. Best thing you can do is use Earth Elemental to help tank one, and grounding totem works on the water elementals. Also, this is the best time to use bloodlust. There is an aggro table on the water elementals.
Things to remember:
-Help interrupt Aran's fireball and frostbolts with earth shock rank 1 as much as you can
-Aran has no aggro table so put earth shield on a spellcaster
-Do not stand 10 yards within Aran as he will casts counterspell on you when you try to heal within his 10 yards range
-Grounding totem does not work on Aran, but works on water elementals
-Don't move during flame wreathe
-Don't try to outrun blizzard, but run across the room
-Run to the wall as soon as you get pulled into the middle of the room to avoid arcane explosion
-Save bloodlust when Aran hits 40% health as the water elementals that Aran summons can make the fight very difficult
Use earth shock rank 1 here to help interrupt the boss' spellcasts. He will use fireball, frostbolt, and arcane missiles frequently throughout the entire fight. Most important ones to interrupt are fireball and frostbolt. Your raid needs to do the best they can to keep the boss' mana up by interrupting because when he goes low on mana, he will polymorph the entire raid to drink, and then he will casts pyroblast on the raid which is very painful.
None of his spells can be absorbed by grounding totem!
When the boss casts Flame Wreathe, DON'T MOVE! You will see rings of fire around couple players, and even if you don't have a ring of fire around you, just don't move to make things easier. People tend to panic when they see people move during a Flame Wreathe.
When the boss casts Blizzard, he will casts it on the outer ring of the room. It looks just like the blizzard that any mages casts, except that it spins around the outer ring of the room. You can't outrun it if you just run along the outer ring of the room so you'll eventually have to cut across the other side. Aran will also casts Chain of Ice during the blizzard on a random player, which prevents you from moving, but it is magic dispellable.
When the boss pulls everyone to the middle of the room, he will begin to casts Arcane Explosion that takes him 10 seconds to casts. As soon as you get pulled into the center of the room, make sure you run towards the walls where the bookshelves are because there is no time to waste as he will casts Slow on you. As long as you run as soon as you see that you are pulled to the middle of the room, you have enough time to avoid the arcane explosion. The arcane explosion deals about 10k damage.
When Aran is down to 40% health, he will summon 4 water elementals. Best thing you can do is use Earth Elemental to help tank one, and grounding totem works on the water elementals. Also, this is the best time to use bloodlust. There is an aggro table on the water elementals.
Things to remember:
-Help interrupt Aran's fireball and frostbolts with earth shock rank 1 as much as you can
-Aran has no aggro table so put earth shield on a spellcaster
-Do not stand 10 yards within Aran as he will casts counterspell on you when you try to heal within his 10 yards range
-Grounding totem does not work on Aran, but works on water elementals
-Don't move during flame wreathe
-Don't try to outrun blizzard, but run across the room
-Run to the wall as soon as you get pulled into the middle of the room to avoid arcane explosion
-Save bloodlust when Aran hits 40% health as the water elementals that Aran summons can make the fight very difficult
Terestian Illhoof (patch 2.4.3)
Optional boss in Karazhan.
Use fire resistance totem and magma totem here. If you start to see a lot of imps (8-10+), you might want to throw down a fire elemental totem to help out with the AoE.
Every now and then, a random player except the tank will get sacrificed in the middle of the room. The person being sacrificed needs lots of heals because he or she takes about 1.5k damage per second until the Demonic Chain is destroyed by the raid group.
Keep earth shield up on tank.
Save bloodlust until the room gets overwhelmed by imps or when Illhoof is near his death.
Use fire resistance totem and magma totem here. If you start to see a lot of imps (8-10+), you might want to throw down a fire elemental totem to help out with the AoE.
Every now and then, a random player except the tank will get sacrificed in the middle of the room. The person being sacrificed needs lots of heals because he or she takes about 1.5k damage per second until the Demonic Chain is destroyed by the raid group.
Keep earth shield up on tank.
Save bloodlust until the room gets overwhelmed by imps or when Illhoof is near his death.
Nightbane (patch 2.4.3)
Some consider Nightbane to be the 5th boss, and some consider this the last boss of Karazhan.
There are two phases to this boss: Ground phase and Air phase
*Turn up your spell details in video options otherwise you would have a hard time seeing Charred Earth on the floor*
Ground Phase
Keep tremor totem up
When tank establishes aggro, put down a searing totem
Nightbane will cleave! Don't stand in front, or better yet, don't stand close to Nightbane at all.
Periodically, Nightbane will casts Charred Earth on a random targetted player. It is a giant red and black circle on the floor. If you are on it, simply stop doing what you are doing and just run out of it. Make sure your spell detail is up!
Don't stand near Nightbane's tail as he does a tail sweep (again... don't stand near Nightbane at all)
Each time Nightbane's health drops to 75%, 50%, 25%, Nightbane will fly up in the air. As soon as you see Nightbane take flight, quickly gather up and stand on top of the tank (everyone should). The air phase will lasts about a minute, and then it is back to Ground Phase.
Air Phase
Everyone should be grouped up as mentioned earlier. Shortly after Nightbane is in the air, he will casts Rain of Bones (looks like Nightbane is breathing brown smoke coming down on you guys). Skeletons spawn from Rain of Bones.
What works for me is this: I use stoneclaw totem as soon as I stand on top of the tank. Stoneclaw totem will most likely hold aggro on the skeletons initially. Right after I put down stoneclaw totem, I immediately follow it with a magma totem to AoE the skeletons. Finally, I earth shield myself and spam chain heals on the group.
Once the skeletons are finished, top everyone off with heals quick. Put back on water shield, and remember to use tremor totem when Nightbane comes back down on the ground. Don't stand by the tank when Nightbane is about to land. If you happen to be on the other side of the party when Nightbane lands for whatever reason - don't panic. After the tank gets Nightbane in tanking position, simply run through Nightbane in the middle (not in front of him or back of him.
Note: Threat resets each time Nightbane lands! Don't heal at the same time Nightbane is landing otherwise you will most likely get one-shotted, or the tank would have hard time chasing after Nightbane to build aggro because Nightbane moves around quick. If you have less than 3-5 seconds before Nightbane lands, top off the main tank, and then wait for tank to establish aggro during Nightbane's ground phase to start healing the raid.
Things to remember:
Tremor totem when Nightbane is in Ground phase. Stoneclaw totem when Nightbane is in Air phase once you are grouped up with everyone else on the tank.
Use searing totem (just a suggestion) during ground phase, but only after tank has established aggro. Keep this in mind because you don't want searing totem to be around when Nightbane is about to land from Air phase. Use magma totem right after you put down stoneclaw totem for Air phase.
Always keep earth shield up on tank for ground phase, and use earth shield on yourself during air phase. Remember to use water shield on yourself after skeletons are finished during the air phase, and remember to put earth shield back on tank.
Make sure spell details are up before the fight to easily detect Charred Earth, and run out of Charred Earth immediately if you are on it.
Don't stand near Nightbane because there isn't a reason to.
There are two phases to this boss: Ground phase and Air phase
*Turn up your spell details in video options otherwise you would have a hard time seeing Charred Earth on the floor*
Ground Phase
Keep tremor totem up
When tank establishes aggro, put down a searing totem
Nightbane will cleave! Don't stand in front, or better yet, don't stand close to Nightbane at all.
Periodically, Nightbane will casts Charred Earth on a random targetted player. It is a giant red and black circle on the floor. If you are on it, simply stop doing what you are doing and just run out of it. Make sure your spell detail is up!
Don't stand near Nightbane's tail as he does a tail sweep (again... don't stand near Nightbane at all)
Each time Nightbane's health drops to 75%, 50%, 25%, Nightbane will fly up in the air. As soon as you see Nightbane take flight, quickly gather up and stand on top of the tank (everyone should). The air phase will lasts about a minute, and then it is back to Ground Phase.
Air Phase
Everyone should be grouped up as mentioned earlier. Shortly after Nightbane is in the air, he will casts Rain of Bones (looks like Nightbane is breathing brown smoke coming down on you guys). Skeletons spawn from Rain of Bones.
What works for me is this: I use stoneclaw totem as soon as I stand on top of the tank. Stoneclaw totem will most likely hold aggro on the skeletons initially. Right after I put down stoneclaw totem, I immediately follow it with a magma totem to AoE the skeletons. Finally, I earth shield myself and spam chain heals on the group.
Once the skeletons are finished, top everyone off with heals quick. Put back on water shield, and remember to use tremor totem when Nightbane comes back down on the ground. Don't stand by the tank when Nightbane is about to land. If you happen to be on the other side of the party when Nightbane lands for whatever reason - don't panic. After the tank gets Nightbane in tanking position, simply run through Nightbane in the middle (not in front of him or back of him.
Note: Threat resets each time Nightbane lands! Don't heal at the same time Nightbane is landing otherwise you will most likely get one-shotted, or the tank would have hard time chasing after Nightbane to build aggro because Nightbane moves around quick. If you have less than 3-5 seconds before Nightbane lands, top off the main tank, and then wait for tank to establish aggro during Nightbane's ground phase to start healing the raid.
Things to remember:
Tremor totem when Nightbane is in Ground phase. Stoneclaw totem when Nightbane is in Air phase once you are grouped up with everyone else on the tank.
Use searing totem (just a suggestion) during ground phase, but only after tank has established aggro. Keep this in mind because you don't want searing totem to be around when Nightbane is about to land from Air phase. Use magma totem right after you put down stoneclaw totem for Air phase.
Always keep earth shield up on tank for ground phase, and use earth shield on yourself during air phase. Remember to use water shield on yourself after skeletons are finished during the air phase, and remember to put earth shield back on tank.
Make sure spell details are up before the fight to easily detect Charred Earth, and run out of Charred Earth immediately if you are on it.
Don't stand near Nightbane because there isn't a reason to.
The Curator (patch 2.4.3)
Fifth boss of Karazhan.
You should group up with the other healers/casters. The boss will summon an astral flare (floating arcane orb) with 12k health that comes towards the group every ten seconds. It deals arcane damage to 3 people in melee range of the flare. Simply chain heal the group thats taking damage from astral flare.
Every now and then, the boss will hit the person with the 2nd highest threat with Hateful Bolt. It average about 5k arcane damage. It can easily be healed.
The boss will use evocation immediately after the 10th astral flare. During this time, the boss takes 200% extra damage from anything your raid throws at it. The boss' evocation lasts 20 seconds long, and it is best that you use bloodlust about 5 seconds before evocation starts (boss mods will tell you the time left before evocation). You want to use bloodlust before evocation starts because the boss will summon one last astral flare before he goes into evocation, and the raid should take down the astral flare otherwise things can get ugly. The boss does not attack or use any ability while he is in evocation.
At 15% health remaining, the boss will enrage. He will stop summoning astral flares, and you should use big heals on the main tank. He will use Hateful Bolt at a faster rate so keep an eye on the person tanking Hateful Bolt.
-Always earth shield the main tank
-Use searing totem, and use fire elemental when the boss is getting close to 15%
-Use bloodlust at about 5 seconds before evocation begins
-You can dps the boss too if you want during evocation since he does not attack at all during that phase
You should group up with the other healers/casters. The boss will summon an astral flare (floating arcane orb) with 12k health that comes towards the group every ten seconds. It deals arcane damage to 3 people in melee range of the flare. Simply chain heal the group thats taking damage from astral flare.
Every now and then, the boss will hit the person with the 2nd highest threat with Hateful Bolt. It average about 5k arcane damage. It can easily be healed.
The boss will use evocation immediately after the 10th astral flare. During this time, the boss takes 200% extra damage from anything your raid throws at it. The boss' evocation lasts 20 seconds long, and it is best that you use bloodlust about 5 seconds before evocation starts (boss mods will tell you the time left before evocation). You want to use bloodlust before evocation starts because the boss will summon one last astral flare before he goes into evocation, and the raid should take down the astral flare otherwise things can get ugly. The boss does not attack or use any ability while he is in evocation.
At 15% health remaining, the boss will enrage. He will stop summoning astral flares, and you should use big heals on the main tank. He will use Hateful Bolt at a faster rate so keep an eye on the person tanking Hateful Bolt.
-Always earth shield the main tank
-Use searing totem, and use fire elemental when the boss is getting close to 15%
-Use bloodlust at about 5 seconds before evocation begins
-You can dps the boss too if you want during evocation since he does not attack at all during that phase
Opera Event - Romulo and Julianne (patch 2.4.3)
One of three randomly selected boss encounters in the Opera Event. Fourth boss fight in Karazhan.
Phase 1:
The fight starts off with Julianne alone.
Earth shock her heals! (It is called Eternal Affection)
Purge her Devotion buff. The buff gives her more holy damage and faster cast speed.
After Julianne is defeated, you fight Romulo.
Keep earth shield on tank
Use searing totem
Phase 2:
Don't stand in front of Romulo because he cleaves.
Use poison cleanse totem here as Romulo will repeatedly poison players.
Purge his Daring buff. This buff gives Romulo more damage and faster attack speed.
After Romulo is defeated, both Romulo and Julianne are resurrected.
Keep earth shield on tank
Use searing totem
Phase 3:
Make sure you earth shock Julianne's heals
Keep poison cleansing totem up
Purge both Julianne's and Romulo's buffs
Don't stand in front of Romulo
Use earth shield on Romulo's tank
Use fire elemental here
Keep in mind: Both Romulo and Julianne must die together within 10 seconds of either one's death or else the one dead will be resurrected.
Phase 1:
The fight starts off with Julianne alone.
Earth shock her heals! (It is called Eternal Affection)
Purge her Devotion buff. The buff gives her more holy damage and faster cast speed.
After Julianne is defeated, you fight Romulo.
Keep earth shield on tank
Use searing totem
Phase 2:
Don't stand in front of Romulo because he cleaves.
Use poison cleanse totem here as Romulo will repeatedly poison players.
Purge his Daring buff. This buff gives Romulo more damage and faster attack speed.
After Romulo is defeated, both Romulo and Julianne are resurrected.
Keep earth shield on tank
Use searing totem
Phase 3:
Make sure you earth shock Julianne's heals
Keep poison cleansing totem up
Purge both Julianne's and Romulo's buffs
Don't stand in front of Romulo
Use earth shield on Romulo's tank
Use fire elemental here
Keep in mind: Both Romulo and Julianne must die together within 10 seconds of either one's death or else the one dead will be resurrected.
Opera Event - Wizard of Oz (patch 2.4.3)
One of three randomly selected boss encounters in the Opera Event. Fourth boss fight in Karazhan.
You will see four bosses in the stage. They are inactive at first and are activated in a sequence after Dorothee finishes her dialect:
1st - Dorothee
2nd - Roar
3rd - Strawman
4th - Tinhead
You cannot interrupt her water bolt. She also has no aggro table. You need to keep tremor totem up as she does AoE fear. Not long into the fight, Dorothee will summon Tito. Tito has very low health, but don't kill it before Dorothee dies otherwise Dorothee will enrage that will double her damage.
You shouldn't have to worry about Roar as Roar is susceptible to fear, and tanks can easily hold aggro on him.
Strawman is tanked by anyone who has powerful direct damage fire spells. You shouldn't be the primary person to tank him because your raid group should have atleast a mage or a warlock. Strawman gets disoriented everytime he gets hit by a direct fire spell (flame shock, searing totem, fireball, etc.).
Don't stand in front of Tinhead because he has a cleave ability. His movement speed will gradually slow down as the Rust debuff stacks on him. Rust is a time-based effect on self, and there is nothing you can do to make him Rust faster. No frost ability or anything can help make him Rust.
After all four bosses are downed, you will face the last boss in the encounter, which is Crone.
She summons a cyclone that moves about in the stage. If you get caught into the cyclone, it simply lifts you up and you take fall damage (roughly 15% of health). She also casts chain lightning that can't be interrupted. You can easily solo heal this last part of the fight.
You will see four bosses in the stage. They are inactive at first and are activated in a sequence after Dorothee finishes her dialect:
1st - Dorothee
2nd - Roar
3rd - Strawman
4th - Tinhead
You cannot interrupt her water bolt. She also has no aggro table. You need to keep tremor totem up as she does AoE fear. Not long into the fight, Dorothee will summon Tito. Tito has very low health, but don't kill it before Dorothee dies otherwise Dorothee will enrage that will double her damage.
You shouldn't have to worry about Roar as Roar is susceptible to fear, and tanks can easily hold aggro on him.
Strawman is tanked by anyone who has powerful direct damage fire spells. You shouldn't be the primary person to tank him because your raid group should have atleast a mage or a warlock. Strawman gets disoriented everytime he gets hit by a direct fire spell (flame shock, searing totem, fireball, etc.).
Don't stand in front of Tinhead because he has a cleave ability. His movement speed will gradually slow down as the Rust debuff stacks on him. Rust is a time-based effect on self, and there is nothing you can do to make him Rust faster. No frost ability or anything can help make him Rust.
After all four bosses are downed, you will face the last boss in the encounter, which is Crone.
She summons a cyclone that moves about in the stage. If you get caught into the cyclone, it simply lifts you up and you take fall damage (roughly 15% of health). She also casts chain lightning that can't be interrupted. You can easily solo heal this last part of the fight.
Opera Event - The Big Bad Wolf (patch 2.4.3)
One of three randomly selected boss encounter in the Opera Event. Fourth boss in Karazhan.
1.)Always keep tremor totem up because the boss will cast a short range AoE fear occasionally.
2.)The boss will periodically target one person to be the "Little Red Riding Hood." Pay attention when the boss says "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL." If you are selected as Riding Hood, stop what you are doing and RUN AWAY. Run along the outside parameter of the stage, and do not cut corners or go diagonally because the wolf will easily rip you apart in two hits. The person who is targetted to be Riding Hood will be followed throughout the duration until the person is no longer Riding Hood regardless if the person is the lowest on aggro threat.
If someone else is targetted to be Riding Hood (tank can also be chosen), keep a close eye on Riding Hood. If the wolf seems to be a bit too close to Riding Hood for comfort, spam lesser healing wave on Riding Hood.
Tips to remember:
-Always keep tremor totem up
-Fire Elemental/Searing Totem
-Keep a far distance away from the wolf
-When you are Riding Hood, run along the outside parameter, and do not cut corners
-Earth shield the tank, and earth shield the person chosen to be Riding Hood
1.)Always keep tremor totem up because the boss will cast a short range AoE fear occasionally.
2.)The boss will periodically target one person to be the "Little Red Riding Hood." Pay attention when the boss says "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL." If you are selected as Riding Hood, stop what you are doing and RUN AWAY. Run along the outside parameter of the stage, and do not cut corners or go diagonally because the wolf will easily rip you apart in two hits. The person who is targetted to be Riding Hood will be followed throughout the duration until the person is no longer Riding Hood regardless if the person is the lowest on aggro threat.
If someone else is targetted to be Riding Hood (tank can also be chosen), keep a close eye on Riding Hood. If the wolf seems to be a bit too close to Riding Hood for comfort, spam lesser healing wave on Riding Hood.
Tips to remember:
-Always keep tremor totem up
-Fire Elemental/Searing Totem
-Keep a far distance away from the wolf
-When you are Riding Hood, run along the outside parameter, and do not cut corners
-Earth shield the tank, and earth shield the person chosen to be Riding Hood
Maiden of Virtue (patch 2.4.3)
3rd Boss in Karazhan
1.)This boss has an ability called Holy Fire. Always keep up a grounding totem whenever possible because the Holy Fire will target it if your party group is in range of your grounding totem. Holy Fire also targets searing totem and pets.
2.)Stay spread out, and don't stand next to anyone to mitigate the damage of Holy Wrath. Holy Wrath is like shaman's chain lightning except that the damage increases as it jumps to more people.
3.)She does Repentance that is similar to the one that Paladins can use. Usually casts this about every half a minute or so. It is best that you have mods like Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs that tells you when the next Repentance will occur. This effect lasts 12 seconds, and will prevent you from doing anything until you take damage which gets rid of the debuff. Maiden of Virtue will often casts a small AoE wave called Holy Ground around her that deals very little damage, but silences you for 0.5 seconds. When she will casts Repentance soon (ex. 3 seconds or less), you should run close to her so when you get the Repentance debuff, the Holy Ground effect will break you out of it because Holy Ground deals damage. After you are out of Repentance, quickly run back out of range of Holy Ground.
Tips to remember:
-Try to keep grounding totem up as much as you can
-Spread out
-Run in close to her when she's about to cast Repentance, and run out when Holy Ground breaks you free from Repentance
-Keep Earth Shield up on main tank
-Melee group will take damage from Holy Ground constantly. Damage is very small, but adds up after awhile. You can easily chain heal the melee group and the tank
-Always keep up a searing/fire elemental up as there is always a chance that Maiden will target Holy Fire on the fire totem.
1.)This boss has an ability called Holy Fire. Always keep up a grounding totem whenever possible because the Holy Fire will target it if your party group is in range of your grounding totem. Holy Fire also targets searing totem and pets.
2.)Stay spread out, and don't stand next to anyone to mitigate the damage of Holy Wrath. Holy Wrath is like shaman's chain lightning except that the damage increases as it jumps to more people.
3.)She does Repentance that is similar to the one that Paladins can use. Usually casts this about every half a minute or so. It is best that you have mods like Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs that tells you when the next Repentance will occur. This effect lasts 12 seconds, and will prevent you from doing anything until you take damage which gets rid of the debuff. Maiden of Virtue will often casts a small AoE wave called Holy Ground around her that deals very little damage, but silences you for 0.5 seconds. When she will casts Repentance soon (ex. 3 seconds or less), you should run close to her so when you get the Repentance debuff, the Holy Ground effect will break you out of it because Holy Ground deals damage. After you are out of Repentance, quickly run back out of range of Holy Ground.
Tips to remember:
-Try to keep grounding totem up as much as you can
-Spread out
-Run in close to her when she's about to cast Repentance, and run out when Holy Ground breaks you free from Repentance
-Keep Earth Shield up on main tank
-Melee group will take damage from Holy Ground constantly. Damage is very small, but adds up after awhile. You can easily chain heal the melee group and the tank
-Always keep up a searing/fire elemental up as there is always a chance that Maiden will target Holy Fire on the fire totem.
Pre-Kara Gear For Resto Shamans (patch 2.4.3)
When I first got to level 70 as a resto shaman, it was really hard for me to get invited to Karazhan or even any heroics. I remember in my old guild long time ago, I couldn't even get invited to Karazhan or to do heroics with them!
I had asked for many advice on what to do to build up my healing bonus as a new level 70. Here is a list of the best pre-kara gear that you can get, and also what enchants you should get:
1.) Merciless Gladiator's Salvation - 25,200 honors with 20 Eye of the Storm badges
+31 Stamina
+21 Intellect
+21 Resilience
+423 Healing / +141 Spell Damage
It is very easy to get this weapon, but it is just boring to grind for honors.
2.) Gavel of Naaru Blessings - 150 Badge of Justice
+42 Stamina
+28 Intellect
+464 Healing / +155 Spell Damage
Very hard to get 150 badge of justices as a new level 70 resto shaman. Not many groups will invite you to heroics because of your low healing bonuses. I recommend starting off with the PvP mace above to boost your healing bonuses so you can heal better in heroics, and then grab this weapon afterwards as an upgrade.
Best enchant on weapons:
Major Healing - +81 Healing / +27 Spell Damage
Some people would prefer Spellsurge enchant, which gives your spell cast a 3% chance to restore 100 mana to all party members in your group (just your group and not the entire raid), but to make it easier for you to get invited to do heroics and Karazhan, you should definitely go for Major Healing enchant.
When you want to join groups as a healer, most of the time people will ask you, "what is your healing+?". No one would ask you what is your mp5, and invite you because your mp5 is high but your healing+ is low.
Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration - Exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive
+19 Stamina
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
If exalted with Aldor: chance to proc - gives you +220 Healing / +74 Spell Damage for 10 seconds
If exalted with Scryer: chance to proc - heals for 618 to 682 (able to crit for around 900)
Even if you are not exalted with Aldor/Scryer, you should still get this as this amulet can carry you to tier 6 contents. Best and fastest way to get to exalted with the Shattered Sun Offensive is to do every single SSO dailies each day. You can also run Magister's Terrance instance to grind for reps.
Guardian's Pendant of Salvation - 15,300 honors and 10 Eye of the Storm
+38 Stamina
+19 Intellect
+18 Resilience
+57 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
1 Yellow Socket (+3 Stamina socket bonus)
This amulet is a better option, especially if you are not exalted with Scryer/Aldor. Socket this with a Teardrop Crimon Spinel and you will get +79 Healing. Many raid bosses deal AoE damages to the raid, and this amulet has a lot more stamina than the Shattered Sun Pendant. Also, the intellect will boost a little bit to your healing bonus, higher % to crit, and gives you more mana.
Living Dragonscale Helm - Leatherworking Recipe
+19 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+81 Healing / +27 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
Very expensive to make, but it's an amazing helm for pre-Kara.
Headdress of the Tides - Drops off Ghaz'an in Underbog in heroic mode
+30 Stamina
+35 Intellect
+73 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+9 Mp5
If you don't have the money for the Living Dragonscale Helm, this is also a great choice.
Living Replicator Specs - Engineering Recipe and only engineers can use it
+14 Stamina
+38 Intellect
+106 Healing / +36 Spell Damage
+9 Mp5
1 Meta Socket
1 Blue Socket
(+9 Healing / +3 Spell Damage socket bonus)
If you are an engineer, you can and SHOULD use this. You can start wearing it at level 62. Socket the meta slot with an Insightful Earthstorm Diamond (+12 Intellect and 5% chance to restore 300 mana on spell cast), and you will have lots of Mp5.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Helm - 14,500 Honors and 30 Alterac Valley badges
+60 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+21 Spell Crit Rating
+33 Resilience
1 Meta socket
1 Red Socket
(+4 Resilience socket bonus)
If you are poor, not an engineer, never invited to Underbog heroics, then you can simply grind for honors in Alterac Valley to get a great helm. Since there are no Mp5 on this helm, your best bet is to socket this with Insightful Earthstorm Diamond, mentioned above, for your Mp5.
Best enchant on helm:
Glyph of Renewal (Purchase from Thrallmar's quartermaster, and must be revered with Thrallmar)- +35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage / 7 Mp5
Mantle of the Sea Wolf - Drops off Tavarok in Mana-Tombs in heroic mode
+22 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+51 Healing / +17 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
These shoulders look hot!
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders - 11,250 Honors and 20 Arathi Basin badges
+39 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+48 Healing / +16 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
+18 Spell Crit Rating
+21 Resilience
1 Red Socket
1 Yellow Socket
(+3 Resilience socket bonus)
These shoulders have great stats with 2 sockets.
Best enchant for shoulders:
Your local Scryer/Aldor shoulder healing enchants.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor - 14,500 Honors and 30 Arathi Basin badges
+48 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
+26 Spell Crit Rating
+26 Resilience
1 Red Socket
2 Yellow Socket
(+4 Resilience socket bonus)
Wave of Life Chestguard - 100 Badge of Justice
+39 Stamina
+51 Intellect
+118 Healing / +37 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
1 Red Socket
(+1 Mp5 socket bonus)
If you are having a hard time getting heroic groups for your badges because you are a new level 70, go for the PvP chest above.
Best enchant for chest:
Restore Mana Prime - 6 Mp5
There are other enchants for chest too for resto shaman, such as Exceptional Mana (+150 mana) and Exceptional Stats (+6 to all stats), but Restore Mana Prime is best. 6 Mp5 is much better than having extra 150 mana because most raid bosses last longer than 2 minutes. In a little more than 2 minutes, you get over 150 mana back from 6 Mp5. I've seen some resto shamans with +6 to all stats enchant. The only useful stats for resto shaman is intellect and stamina. Spirits are no use to shamans when you are casting spells, and you are always healing when you are in a boss fight.
Wavefury Boots - Drops off Rokmar the Crackler in Slave Pens in heroic mode
+19 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
I remember healing heroic Slave Pens with about 1050 bonus healing when I was a new level 70. I believe it is the easiest heroic of all.
Treads of Path Life - 60 Badge of Justice
+21 Stamina
+33 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
1 Blue Socket
1 Yellow Socket
(+7 Healing / +3 Spell Damage socket bonus)
These are the best boots before tier 6 boots. Since these boots will last you for awhile, 60 badges aren't a lot.
Best enchant for boots:
Vitality - restore 4 health and mana per 5 seconds
Polished Waterscale Gloves - 60 Badge of Justice
+33 Stamina
+22 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+13 Mp5
Fathomheart Gauntlets - Drops off Warlord Kalithresh in Steamvault (normal or heroic)
+24 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
Best enchant for gloves:
Major Healing - +35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage
Seer's Ringmail Legguards - Purchase from Fedryen Swiftspear in Cenarion Refuge. Must be honored with Cenarion Expedition.
+36 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+62 Healing / +21 Spell Damage
+4 Mp5
+22 Spell Crit Rating
+22 Resilience
I bought these as soon as I turned level 70.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings - 14,500 Honors and 30 Warsong Gulch badges
+58 Stamina
+29 Intellect
+90 Healing / +30 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
+25 Spell Crit Rating
+33 Resilience
Runed Scaled of Antiquity - 100 Badge of Justice
+45 Stamina
+38 Intellect
+114 Healing / +38 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
1 Red Socket
1 Blue Socket
(1 Mp5 socket bonus)
Easiest resto shaman leggings to get till you reach tier 6.
Best enchant for legs:
Golden Spellthread (requires tailor to make it) - +66 Healing / +22 Spell Damage / +20 Stamina
Stillwater Girdle - Drops off Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Mana-Tombs in heroic mode
+18 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+53 Healing / +18 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
Very hard heroic instance if you are a new level 70.
Clutch of the Soothing Breeze - 75 Badge of Justice
+31 Stamina
+34 Intellect
+86 Healing / +29 Spell Damage
+10 Mp5
1 Red Socket
(+3 stamina socket bonus)
This belt will last you till you get the tier 6 belt.
Primal Surge Bracers - Drops off Aeonus in Black Morass (both normal and heroic mode)
+15 Stamina
+18 Intellect
+37 Healing / +13 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
The boss Aeonus seems to drop this a lot.
Gleaming Earthen Bracers - 35 Badge of Justice
+18 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+10 Mp5
These are a great steal for 35 badges. These bracers will last you till you get the bracers from Rage in Hyjal.
Best enchant for bracers:
Restore Mana Prime - +6 Mp5
Superior Healing - +30 Healing / +10 Spell Damage
As a new level 70, you should enchant Superior Healing to boost your healing bonus. Just remember, the higher your healing bonus, the easier you get invited to heroics and Kara.
Many choices to choose from. As a new level 70, just pick a cloak that has healing bonus and mp5.
Best enchant for cloak:
None really. Major Resistance gives +7 resistance to all, but it costs a fortune so it is not worth it. Subtlety also costs a lot, and 2% threat reduction is a joke to a healer if the tank is great.
Crystal Pulse Shield - a common world bind of equip drop that is fairly inexpensive in the auction house. Most fresh level 70 resto shamans have this to begin with.
+24 Intellect
+35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
Any new level 70 resto shaman should get this shield. The badge vendor shield Light-Bearer's Faith Shield is not worth the badges because it doesn't have mp5, and you are better off saving your badges for other healing gear.
Best enchant for shield:
Intellect - +12 Intellect
Anveena's Touch - 60 Badge of Justice
+27 Stamina
+19 Intellect
+66 Healing / +22 Spell Damage
+11 Mp5
This ring will last you till you hit Sunwell. Definitely worth 60 badges.
Vindicator's Band of Salvation - 11,934 Honors and 10 Alterac Valley badges
+34 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+51 Healing / +17 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
+22 Resilience
You can get this ring without arena ratings. The upgraded version of this ring is the Guardian's Band of Salvation, and it requires 1650 team, 15,300 honors, and 10 Alterac Valley badges.
Best enchant for rings:
Healing Power - +20 Healing / +7 Spell Damage (only enchanters can enchant their own rings)
Redeemer's Alchemist Stone - Only Alchemists can make this for themselves. This requires exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive and 375 Alchemy profession level.
+119 Healing / +40 Spell Damage
Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40% (doesn't stack)
Arguably the best healing trinket in the game, but only alchemists can use this. High healing bonus with lots of instant mana regeneration.
Essence of the Martyr - 41 Badge of Justice
+84 Healing / +28 Spell Damage
Use: Increases healing done by spells by up to 297 and damage done by spells by up to 99 for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)
Great trinket for even tier 5 contents.
Lower City Prayerbook - Purchase from Lower City Quartermaster and must be atleast revered with Lower City
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
Use: Your heals each cost 22 less mana for the next 15 sec. (1 Min Cooldown)
Also another great trinket especially when you are low in Mp5. The cooldown is quick, and this trinket can really help you out in boss fights that last awhile.
I had asked for many advice on what to do to build up my healing bonus as a new level 70. Here is a list of the best pre-kara gear that you can get, and also what enchants you should get:
1.) Merciless Gladiator's Salvation - 25,200 honors with 20 Eye of the Storm badges
+31 Stamina
+21 Intellect
+21 Resilience
+423 Healing / +141 Spell Damage
It is very easy to get this weapon, but it is just boring to grind for honors.
2.) Gavel of Naaru Blessings - 150 Badge of Justice
+42 Stamina
+28 Intellect
+464 Healing / +155 Spell Damage
Very hard to get 150 badge of justices as a new level 70 resto shaman. Not many groups will invite you to heroics because of your low healing bonuses. I recommend starting off with the PvP mace above to boost your healing bonuses so you can heal better in heroics, and then grab this weapon afterwards as an upgrade.
Best enchant on weapons:
Major Healing - +81 Healing / +27 Spell Damage
Some people would prefer Spellsurge enchant, which gives your spell cast a 3% chance to restore 100 mana to all party members in your group (just your group and not the entire raid), but to make it easier for you to get invited to do heroics and Karazhan, you should definitely go for Major Healing enchant.
When you want to join groups as a healer, most of the time people will ask you, "what is your healing+?". No one would ask you what is your mp5, and invite you because your mp5 is high but your healing+ is low.
Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration - Exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive
+19 Stamina
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
If exalted with Aldor: chance to proc - gives you +220 Healing / +74 Spell Damage for 10 seconds
If exalted with Scryer: chance to proc - heals for 618 to 682 (able to crit for around 900)
Even if you are not exalted with Aldor/Scryer, you should still get this as this amulet can carry you to tier 6 contents. Best and fastest way to get to exalted with the Shattered Sun Offensive is to do every single SSO dailies each day. You can also run Magister's Terrance instance to grind for reps.
Guardian's Pendant of Salvation - 15,300 honors and 10 Eye of the Storm
+38 Stamina
+19 Intellect
+18 Resilience
+57 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
1 Yellow Socket (+3 Stamina socket bonus)
This amulet is a better option, especially if you are not exalted with Scryer/Aldor. Socket this with a Teardrop Crimon Spinel and you will get +79 Healing. Many raid bosses deal AoE damages to the raid, and this amulet has a lot more stamina than the Shattered Sun Pendant. Also, the intellect will boost a little bit to your healing bonus, higher % to crit, and gives you more mana.
Living Dragonscale Helm - Leatherworking Recipe
+19 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+81 Healing / +27 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
Very expensive to make, but it's an amazing helm for pre-Kara.
Headdress of the Tides - Drops off Ghaz'an in Underbog in heroic mode
+30 Stamina
+35 Intellect
+73 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+9 Mp5
If you don't have the money for the Living Dragonscale Helm, this is also a great choice.
Living Replicator Specs - Engineering Recipe and only engineers can use it
+14 Stamina
+38 Intellect
+106 Healing / +36 Spell Damage
+9 Mp5
1 Meta Socket
1 Blue Socket
(+9 Healing / +3 Spell Damage socket bonus)
If you are an engineer, you can and SHOULD use this. You can start wearing it at level 62. Socket the meta slot with an Insightful Earthstorm Diamond (+12 Intellect and 5% chance to restore 300 mana on spell cast), and you will have lots of Mp5.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Helm - 14,500 Honors and 30 Alterac Valley badges
+60 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+21 Spell Crit Rating
+33 Resilience
1 Meta socket
1 Red Socket
(+4 Resilience socket bonus)
If you are poor, not an engineer, never invited to Underbog heroics, then you can simply grind for honors in Alterac Valley to get a great helm. Since there are no Mp5 on this helm, your best bet is to socket this with Insightful Earthstorm Diamond, mentioned above, for your Mp5.
Best enchant on helm:
Glyph of Renewal (Purchase from Thrallmar's quartermaster, and must be revered with Thrallmar)- +35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage / 7 Mp5
Mantle of the Sea Wolf - Drops off Tavarok in Mana-Tombs in heroic mode
+22 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+51 Healing / +17 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
These shoulders look hot!
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders - 11,250 Honors and 20 Arathi Basin badges
+39 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+48 Healing / +16 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
+18 Spell Crit Rating
+21 Resilience
1 Red Socket
1 Yellow Socket
(+3 Resilience socket bonus)
These shoulders have great stats with 2 sockets.
Best enchant for shoulders:
Your local Scryer/Aldor shoulder healing enchants.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor - 14,500 Honors and 30 Arathi Basin badges
+48 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
+26 Spell Crit Rating
+26 Resilience
1 Red Socket
2 Yellow Socket
(+4 Resilience socket bonus)
Wave of Life Chestguard - 100 Badge of Justice
+39 Stamina
+51 Intellect
+118 Healing / +37 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
1 Red Socket
(+1 Mp5 socket bonus)
If you are having a hard time getting heroic groups for your badges because you are a new level 70, go for the PvP chest above.
Best enchant for chest:
Restore Mana Prime - 6 Mp5
There are other enchants for chest too for resto shaman, such as Exceptional Mana (+150 mana) and Exceptional Stats (+6 to all stats), but Restore Mana Prime is best. 6 Mp5 is much better than having extra 150 mana because most raid bosses last longer than 2 minutes. In a little more than 2 minutes, you get over 150 mana back from 6 Mp5. I've seen some resto shamans with +6 to all stats enchant. The only useful stats for resto shaman is intellect and stamina. Spirits are no use to shamans when you are casting spells, and you are always healing when you are in a boss fight.
Wavefury Boots - Drops off Rokmar the Crackler in Slave Pens in heroic mode
+19 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
I remember healing heroic Slave Pens with about 1050 bonus healing when I was a new level 70. I believe it is the easiest heroic of all.
Treads of Path Life - 60 Badge of Justice
+21 Stamina
+33 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
1 Blue Socket
1 Yellow Socket
(+7 Healing / +3 Spell Damage socket bonus)
These are the best boots before tier 6 boots. Since these boots will last you for awhile, 60 badges aren't a lot.
Best enchant for boots:
Vitality - restore 4 health and mana per 5 seconds
Polished Waterscale Gloves - 60 Badge of Justice
+33 Stamina
+22 Intellect
+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage
+13 Mp5
Fathomheart Gauntlets - Drops off Warlord Kalithresh in Steamvault (normal or heroic)
+24 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+7 Mp5
Best enchant for gloves:
Major Healing - +35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage
Seer's Ringmail Legguards - Purchase from Fedryen Swiftspear in Cenarion Refuge. Must be honored with Cenarion Expedition.
+36 Stamina
+24 Intellect
+62 Healing / +21 Spell Damage
+4 Mp5
+22 Spell Crit Rating
+22 Resilience
I bought these as soon as I turned level 70.
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings - 14,500 Honors and 30 Warsong Gulch badges
+58 Stamina
+29 Intellect
+90 Healing / +30 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
+25 Spell Crit Rating
+33 Resilience
Runed Scaled of Antiquity - 100 Badge of Justice
+45 Stamina
+38 Intellect
+114 Healing / +38 Spell Damage
+14 Mp5
1 Red Socket
1 Blue Socket
(1 Mp5 socket bonus)
Easiest resto shaman leggings to get till you reach tier 6.
Best enchant for legs:
Golden Spellthread (requires tailor to make it) - +66 Healing / +22 Spell Damage / +20 Stamina
Stillwater Girdle - Drops off Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Mana-Tombs in heroic mode
+18 Stamina
+26 Intellect
+53 Healing / +18 Spell Damage
+8 Mp5
Very hard heroic instance if you are a new level 70.
Clutch of the Soothing Breeze - 75 Badge of Justice
+31 Stamina
+34 Intellect
+86 Healing / +29 Spell Damage
+10 Mp5
1 Red Socket
(+3 stamina socket bonus)
This belt will last you till you get the tier 6 belt.
Primal Surge Bracers - Drops off Aeonus in Black Morass (both normal and heroic mode)
+15 Stamina
+18 Intellect
+37 Healing / +13 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
The boss Aeonus seems to drop this a lot.
Gleaming Earthen Bracers - 35 Badge of Justice
+18 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+55 Healing / +19 Spell Damage
+10 Mp5
These are a great steal for 35 badges. These bracers will last you till you get the bracers from Rage in Hyjal.
Best enchant for bracers:
Restore Mana Prime - +6 Mp5
Superior Healing - +30 Healing / +10 Spell Damage
As a new level 70, you should enchant Superior Healing to boost your healing bonus. Just remember, the higher your healing bonus, the easier you get invited to heroics and Kara.
Many choices to choose from. As a new level 70, just pick a cloak that has healing bonus and mp5.
Best enchant for cloak:
None really. Major Resistance gives +7 resistance to all, but it costs a fortune so it is not worth it. Subtlety also costs a lot, and 2% threat reduction is a joke to a healer if the tank is great.
Crystal Pulse Shield - a common world bind of equip drop that is fairly inexpensive in the auction house. Most fresh level 70 resto shamans have this to begin with.
+24 Intellect
+35 Healing / +12 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
Any new level 70 resto shaman should get this shield. The badge vendor shield Light-Bearer's Faith Shield is not worth the badges because it doesn't have mp5, and you are better off saving your badges for other healing gear.
Best enchant for shield:
Intellect - +12 Intellect
Anveena's Touch - 60 Badge of Justice
+27 Stamina
+19 Intellect
+66 Healing / +22 Spell Damage
+11 Mp5
This ring will last you till you hit Sunwell. Definitely worth 60 badges.
Vindicator's Band of Salvation - 11,934 Honors and 10 Alterac Valley badges
+34 Stamina
+20 Intellect
+51 Healing / +17 Spell Damage
+6 Mp5
+22 Resilience
You can get this ring without arena ratings. The upgraded version of this ring is the Guardian's Band of Salvation, and it requires 1650 team, 15,300 honors, and 10 Alterac Valley badges.
Best enchant for rings:
Healing Power - +20 Healing / +7 Spell Damage (only enchanters can enchant their own rings)
Redeemer's Alchemist Stone - Only Alchemists can make this for themselves. This requires exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive and 375 Alchemy profession level.
+119 Healing / +40 Spell Damage
Increases the effect that healing and mana potions have on the wearer by 40% (doesn't stack)
Arguably the best healing trinket in the game, but only alchemists can use this. High healing bonus with lots of instant mana regeneration.
Essence of the Martyr - 41 Badge of Justice
+84 Healing / +28 Spell Damage
Use: Increases healing done by spells by up to 297 and damage done by spells by up to 99 for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)
Great trinket for even tier 5 contents.
Lower City Prayerbook - Purchase from Lower City Quartermaster and must be atleast revered with Lower City
+70 Healing / +24 Spell Damage
Use: Your heals each cost 22 less mana for the next 15 sec. (1 Min Cooldown)
Also another great trinket especially when you are low in Mp5. The cooldown is quick, and this trinket can really help you out in boss fights that last awhile.
Resto Shaman's Meta Gems (patch 2.4.3)
Insightful Earthstorm Diamond: +12 Intellect & Chance to restore mana on spellcast
This should be every resto shamans' meta gem for their meta socket helm. The proc since patch 2.3 is 5% chance to restore 300 mana. When you have this, you can focus more on red healing gems such as Teardrop Crimson Spinel and spell haste gems such as Quick Lionseye instead of mp5 gems.
This meta gem also procs off water shield!
Mystical Skyfire Diamond: Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed
It has a 15% chance to proc, and gives you 6 seconds of 320 spell haste rating. The hidden cooldown of this gem is 45 seconds. I wouldn't recommend this gem for healers because you don't always spam heal, and healing so fast along with other healers healing will usually end up with lots of overheals and drain your mana quick. There are times when you need to heal up the raid quick, but you might get stuck in the hidden cooldown for the gem to proc, so this isn't recommended.
Bracing Earthstorm Diamond: +26 Healing +9 Spell Damage and 2% Threat Reduction
The 2% threat reduction is not needed. If you need it, then something is wrong with your tanks, or you are just pulling aggro because you start healing like crazy in the beginning or you are pulling aggro from new add spawns. An earth shielded tank will pick up threat per second very quickly because the heals from the shield counts as if the tank was using healing spells on himself. You can socket your regular non-meta sockets with all the epic red healing gems you want.
You are not guaranteed to have a shadow priest in your group all the time. You also have to remember that downranking chain heals less than rank 4 receives downranking penalty.
So to sum things up: The Insightful Earthstorm Diamond is your best choice as a resto shaman.
This should be every resto shamans' meta gem for their meta socket helm. The proc since patch 2.3 is 5% chance to restore 300 mana. When you have this, you can focus more on red healing gems such as Teardrop Crimson Spinel and spell haste gems such as Quick Lionseye instead of mp5 gems.
This meta gem also procs off water shield!
Mystical Skyfire Diamond: Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed
It has a 15% chance to proc, and gives you 6 seconds of 320 spell haste rating. The hidden cooldown of this gem is 45 seconds. I wouldn't recommend this gem for healers because you don't always spam heal, and healing so fast along with other healers healing will usually end up with lots of overheals and drain your mana quick. There are times when you need to heal up the raid quick, but you might get stuck in the hidden cooldown for the gem to proc, so this isn't recommended.
Bracing Earthstorm Diamond: +26 Healing +9 Spell Damage and 2% Threat Reduction
The 2% threat reduction is not needed. If you need it, then something is wrong with your tanks, or you are just pulling aggro because you start healing like crazy in the beginning or you are pulling aggro from new add spawns. An earth shielded tank will pick up threat per second very quickly because the heals from the shield counts as if the tank was using healing spells on himself. You can socket your regular non-meta sockets with all the epic red healing gems you want.
You are not guaranteed to have a shadow priest in your group all the time. You also have to remember that downranking chain heals less than rank 4 receives downranking penalty.
So to sum things up: The Insightful Earthstorm Diamond is your best choice as a resto shaman.
Resto Shamans Proper Totem Placements 101 (patch 2.4.3)
Don't start placing totems till everyone gets in position for a boss fight. Often times I see shamans (all specs) place totems at the doorway before running in along with the tanks and dps. People are so spread out and so far away from the totems (including yourself) won't get benefits from any of the totems at the doorway. If you don't have time to place totems after running into position because the tank gets hit hard, simply place one totem, heal, place another, heal, etc. Instead of placing totems at the doorway, you now have a bigger radius of range to cover.
Moroes (patch 2.4.3)
Moroes is the second boss of Karazhan
Position yourself in the center of the room (dining table). You should be in range to heal any players in the room without a problem.
Moroes have 4 guests with him out of list of six.
Their names are Baroness Dorothea Millstipe, Baron Rafe Dreuger, Lady Catriona Von'Indi, Lady Keira Berrybuck, Lord Robin Daris, Lord Crispin Ference.
If Millstipe is one of the guests, the raid usually focus fire on her first as her mana burn ability does a lot of damage and drains mana. She seems to like casting mana burn on healers, but you can interrupt that easily with an earth shock because it takes her 3 seconds to cast.
Lord Robin Daris has a nasty whirlwind and mortal strike abilities. He is usually crowd controlled and one of the last ones to be killed. I suggest you don't stand near him :).
Generally, the raid should have 2-3 crowd control abilities. These two guests are your biggest threat. Millstipe can drain your mana and Daris can kill you if you stand too close to him.
Your main focus is to heal the main tank and offtank. Moroes will occasionally blind (poison) a player in melee range. You must help to remove the poison ASAP. Every now and then he would gouge the main tank, and if he blinds the off tank then Moroes will run free to wipe the raid.
Moroes will vanish throughout the fight, and when he reappears he will garrote a random player. It is a 5 minute DoT that does around 1k damage per 3 seconds. Help out with the heals on whoever has garrote. Healers with HoT is preferable to heal DoT damage. Garrote can only be removed by ice block, divine shield, blessing of protection, and stoneform.
When Moroes' health is at 30%, he will enrage, which increases his damage by 20%.
Keep earth shield up on main tank.
Don't use fire elemental/searing totem until Moroes is the last one standing or no more crowd controlled is needed because they tend to break crowd controlled mobs.
I haven't discussed about the other guests because they are not threatening to you. Your primary job is to heal the main tank and off tank, remove blind poison, and heal players who have garrote. The most threatening guests are generally killed first or crowd controlled so you shouldn't have to worry much about earth shocking or purging.
All range (caster/hunters/healers) should just group up if they have garrote on them so they can easily be chain healed. Melees with garrote shouldn't be hard to chain healed through as they will stand by the main tank in the end.
Position yourself in the center of the room (dining table). You should be in range to heal any players in the room without a problem.
Moroes have 4 guests with him out of list of six.
Their names are Baroness Dorothea Millstipe, Baron Rafe Dreuger, Lady Catriona Von'Indi, Lady Keira Berrybuck, Lord Robin Daris, Lord Crispin Ference.
If Millstipe is one of the guests, the raid usually focus fire on her first as her mana burn ability does a lot of damage and drains mana. She seems to like casting mana burn on healers, but you can interrupt that easily with an earth shock because it takes her 3 seconds to cast.
Lord Robin Daris has a nasty whirlwind and mortal strike abilities. He is usually crowd controlled and one of the last ones to be killed. I suggest you don't stand near him :).
Generally, the raid should have 2-3 crowd control abilities. These two guests are your biggest threat. Millstipe can drain your mana and Daris can kill you if you stand too close to him.
Your main focus is to heal the main tank and offtank. Moroes will occasionally blind (poison) a player in melee range. You must help to remove the poison ASAP. Every now and then he would gouge the main tank, and if he blinds the off tank then Moroes will run free to wipe the raid.
Moroes will vanish throughout the fight, and when he reappears he will garrote a random player. It is a 5 minute DoT that does around 1k damage per 3 seconds. Help out with the heals on whoever has garrote. Healers with HoT is preferable to heal DoT damage. Garrote can only be removed by ice block, divine shield, blessing of protection, and stoneform.
When Moroes' health is at 30%, he will enrage, which increases his damage by 20%.
Keep earth shield up on main tank.
Don't use fire elemental/searing totem until Moroes is the last one standing or no more crowd controlled is needed because they tend to break crowd controlled mobs.
I haven't discussed about the other guests because they are not threatening to you. Your primary job is to heal the main tank and off tank, remove blind poison, and heal players who have garrote. The most threatening guests are generally killed first or crowd controlled so you shouldn't have to worry much about earth shocking or purging.
All range (caster/hunters/healers) should just group up if they have garrote on them so they can easily be chain healed. Melees with garrote shouldn't be hard to chain healed through as they will stand by the main tank in the end.
Nature Swiftness (patch 2.4.3)
Nature swiftness is key to effective healing. This talent can save wipes in raids plenty of times. In order to make the most out of nature swiftness, it must be a macro to go with your healing spells.
Here is an example of my macro for using nature swiftness:
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [modifier:alt] Chain Heal; Healing Wave
I keybind that macro to V. When I hit V, it will instantly cast an instant healing wave (max rank) on targetted player. When I hit alt+V, it will instantly cast an instant chain heal (max rank) on targetted player. This macro works wonders because it saves a lot of time and wipes :).
Here is an example of my macro for using nature swiftness:
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [modifier:alt] Chain Heal; Healing Wave
I keybind that macro to V. When I hit V, it will instantly cast an instant healing wave (max rank) on targetted player. When I hit alt+V, it will instantly cast an instant chain heal (max rank) on targetted player. This macro works wonders because it saves a lot of time and wipes :).
Attumen the Huntsman (patch 2.4.2)
This is the first boss in Karazhan.
First Phase - The first phase of the fight is just Midnight the horse. Midnight does not do any AoE or anything special really so just heal the tank. Searing totem is recommended because once Midnight is at 95%, Attumen will spawn and runs into the middle of the raid group, and the searing totem will usually get picked up by Attumen so that gives a 2nd tank (usually the Main Tank) time to pick Attumen up.
Second Phase - Attumen does a nasty cleave so stay away from him. The only people that need heals are the two tanks, unless some other players stand in front of Attumen. When Attumen or Midnight's health is down to 25%, Attumen will mount Midnight. Aggro resets when they mount, but good tanks can easily pick that up.
Third Phase - Stand directly behind Midnight's butt to prevent charges. The charge does a lot of damage. I'm not 100% sure but I think the boss charges the person who is furthest away from the raid group, which is usually the hunter if you have a hunter in the group. Use bloodlust and searing/fire elemental totem to help speed up the fight. Again, the boss will cleave so please make sure you are behind him. Just keep the main tank and anyone who gets charged top off in heals (and anyone who gets cleaved =/). The end.
First Phase - The first phase of the fight is just Midnight the horse. Midnight does not do any AoE or anything special really so just heal the tank. Searing totem is recommended because once Midnight is at 95%, Attumen will spawn and runs into the middle of the raid group, and the searing totem will usually get picked up by Attumen so that gives a 2nd tank (usually the Main Tank) time to pick Attumen up.
Second Phase - Attumen does a nasty cleave so stay away from him. The only people that need heals are the two tanks, unless some other players stand in front of Attumen. When Attumen or Midnight's health is down to 25%, Attumen will mount Midnight. Aggro resets when they mount, but good tanks can easily pick that up.
Third Phase - Stand directly behind Midnight's butt to prevent charges. The charge does a lot of damage. I'm not 100% sure but I think the boss charges the person who is furthest away from the raid group, which is usually the hunter if you have a hunter in the group. Use bloodlust and searing/fire elemental totem to help speed up the fight. Again, the boss will cleave so please make sure you are behind him. Just keep the main tank and anyone who gets charged top off in heals (and anyone who gets cleaved =/). The end.
Critical Strike Rating for Resto Shamans (patch 2.4.3)
Many resto shamans do not see the importance of critical strike ratings for healing. Since this is a raid healing guide for resto shamans, I'm going to discuss about chain heals as chain healing is used 90% of the time in raids. There is a chance to crit on each jump of the chain heals which totals to a chance to have 3 crits in a row with ONE cast of chain healing. Also, assuming you have 3/3 talent points on Ancestral Healing (Increases your target's armor value by 25% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.), I can't stress enough how important critical strike rating is. With higher chance to crit, you should be healing more than another resto shaman who has a little bit higher healing bonus but less chance to crit than you.
Even though spell crit is important, around 15% spell crit is all you really need (assuming you have 5/5 Tidal Mastery, you will have 15% spell crit on heals even though it shows 10% on your character stats). As your guild progresses into T6 contents, you need more focus on spell haste gems than crit gems.
Edit: As a resto shaman, you are usually designated to be a raid healer. Main tank healers are usually designated to paladins and priests. Most bosses deal non-physical damage to the raid, which makes Ancestral Healing useless to heal the casters and other healers. I am a raid healer in guild so my job is to top everyone off from AoE damage. Also, Ancestral Healing does not stack with Inspiration (priest's talent). I'm not telling you not to get Ancestral Healing because it is personal preference. The raid is not always perfect because main tank healers can die, and you would need to top up the main tank.
Even though spell crit is important, around 15% spell crit is all you really need (assuming you have 5/5 Tidal Mastery, you will have 15% spell crit on heals even though it shows 10% on your character stats). As your guild progresses into T6 contents, you need more focus on spell haste gems than crit gems.
Edit: As a resto shaman, you are usually designated to be a raid healer. Main tank healers are usually designated to paladins and priests. Most bosses deal non-physical damage to the raid, which makes Ancestral Healing useless to heal the casters and other healers. I am a raid healer in guild so my job is to top everyone off from AoE damage. Also, Ancestral Healing does not stack with Inspiration (priest's talent). I'm not telling you not to get Ancestral Healing because it is personal preference. The raid is not always perfect because main tank healers can die, and you would need to top up the main tank.
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